Graceful Disaster

Chapter Seven

He seemed surprised at my name. I knew that I didn’t look French, but somewhere in my linage was a French man who had sons and grandsons. I was a mixture of Western Europe: French, English, Irish, Italian, and Swiss. My mother’s mother, a pure Irish woman, didn’t approve of her marrying a “mongrel” and producing “mutts”. We didn’t really see her that much, maybe every other Christmas she would send a card saying that we were going to hell. Thanks, Grandma.

“Now courtesy usually says that you should give your name now.” In truth, I just wanted the mystery to be over and we could finally know who each other was and get that off our minds and move on with our daily lives.

His green eyes lightened a bit and Kara shrank back. He looked primal with his half-smile and light green eyes. “Louis Arue is my name.”

“Can we call you, Lou?”


Kara sat back in her seat, smile gone. “No sense of humor, I tell ya.”

I laughed, but cut it off quickly as I noticed Louis staring at me. “Well,” I began, “not that this wasn’t a pleasant experience, but we have to be going. See you around.” Not.

“Sure. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

He stepped back from the car in one lithe movement and I drove out of the parking lot slowly. As soon as I was sure the car was out of sight, I peeled off.

“That was the scariest moment of my life.” Kara’s statement was an understatement.

“How do I look?”

Kara had come over early the next morning to help me do my hair in a casual twist and chosen my outfit that would be appropriate for work and animals. It came out as a pair of black jeans with a low V-cut t-shirt with a cami underneath. It seemed a little classy, but it was much more comfortable than a blouse or slacks. For the shoes I insisted on my favorite Chuck Taylors. They were beaten and torn, but they were still intact and comforting.

She wished me luck (“My lil baybee is all grown up and going away from momma!” was Kara’s tearful good-bye) and I was off on my own. Driving through the tree tunnel by myself was a different experience. I actually missed Kara’s off-key singing of “99 Bottles of Beer On The Wall.” I tried the radio, but all of the songs referred to “hoes,” “pimps,” and “makin’ money.” I hate rap. I can’t stand it. Also polka. I can’t stand that either, but other than that I’m pretty open to the different types of music from different countries. Kara once looked at the songs on my iPod, gave me a you-must-be-the-weird-one look, and set my iPod back onto the table. It’s a smorgasbord of music from oldies to j-rock.

So, I had to drive to my first day of a new job with no music to distract my mind. I don’t know how I was able to get there alive, seeing as how I have a tendency to panic with my thoughts alone and focused on what could go wrong today. Luckily there were no other cars on the road in case I had a repeat of what happened with McJer—I mean, Louis. I don’t think that I could have withstood another onslaught of twenty something guys flipping a shit over a scratch in their new paint job.

All too soon, I pulled into the tar meadow with the eloquent buildings made up of geometric shapes meshed together. After I parked I took a few deep breaths. First day of a new job, a job different from any other job I’ve ever had. I could do this. My mouth began to feel I popped a lemon into it and the back of my neck felt too cool.

Maybe I couldn’t do this. I gripped the steering wheel and took in big gulps of air to quell the nauseous feeling creeping up my throat. It helped a little, just enough to let me walk to the building with as little knee shaking as possible. They didn’t give out as I opened the glass door to the lobby of the animal shelter and stepped inside to find a quietly bustling place.

As I looked around the comforting wide open space, I found that I didn’t feel nervous at all. It felt like a home I had forgotten about for a long time. Like I had tumbled out of the wardrobe and back into a place I belonged for the most part. A few steps into the building and I began to stare at little details, like how there was a skylight that cast everything into a glow in this early morning; how some couches, in contrast, were in a dim shadow that seemed to be weakening by the minute.

“Can I help you?” I whirled around to face a girl about my age holding a small bundle. Unintentionally ignoring her question, I peered closer at the blanket and saw a small orange kittens face peeking up at me. I gasped as it yawned, showing off its little needle-like teeth, and its yellow-orange eyes peered up at me in curiosity. I couldn’t suppress it.

“Oh my…” I couldn’t help it. “It’s so cute!” I let out a little giggle and the girl had an understanding look on her face.

“Yeah, she’s an adorable one.” It sneezed with a squeak.

“Bless you, little one!” I looked up at the girl with child-like hopefulness. “Could I pet her?”

She smiled. “Go on ahead.”

With one finger, I stroked the top of the kitten’s head and nearly had a fit when her eyes closed slightly and I could hear her purring. I looked up at the girl again. “I’m Alice, I’m supposed to be starting work here today.”

“Oh! Hi, I’m Julie! This little one is—” It sneezed again.


Julie laughed. “Well, she’s been sick lately. A kind of cat cold. She’s just recovering, so hopefully we’ll get her back with her brothers and sisters soon. Her name is Clara.”

I froze. I suddenly had this urge to adopt the kitten. It was too perfect. Clara and Kara. Shaking my head, I tried to keep the fact that I was now at work in mind. “So where do I start?” I straightened up and brushed my hands on my jeans.

“Well, I can get you set up on the front desk for now. I think I’ll ease you into getting to know the animals and what the usual care package entails.” She shifted the bundle slightly and led me to the front desk. “Now when the phone rings you answer, ‘Aleston Animal Shelter, how can I help you?’ Okay?”

I nodded. Easy enough.

“Now when they want to leave a message take one of those papers,” she nodded to a pile of pink Post-It looking things, “and write who is calling, what the message is and who it is for. Got it?”

I nodded. Just like my other jobs.

“Finally, when a person comes in to visit or look at the animals we have, just direct them down this hall,” she nodded behind her, “and there is always someone to help potential adopters.”

“Got it.”

Julie smiled a million watt smile, “Awesome. Well, I’m gonna give Clara her medication, so…have at it!”

She walked down the hallway she had indicated. “What am I? A swashbuckler?” A sudden image of me fighting off Johnny Depp with the receiver popped into my head. I let out a laugh and got behind the desk. Jackpot! I have a chair! And it was a swivel one too. “Let’s get this party started.”
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God damn brother's are pissy...maybe it's man PMS...
