It's Raining out Nathan

The Girl Next Door

Afte Nathan had exited Isabella's Pizzeria he walked into one of the dirtiest dumps in London. A tall skinny almost anorexic looking man was waiting for him at the end of the dark and eerie allyway. The pale faced man grinned as he saw Nathan walk up to him.
"Nice to see you Clark." the man slapped Nathan on his shoulder, Nathan grimaced slightley.
"Derek, could I just have the pills now?"
"Not until you give me last week's pay lad. Not to mention the fifty dollars you promised to give me this week." the man, Derek, spoke with a distinctive Irish accent. Nathan felt a chill going down his spine, when he smelt the essence of alcohol drifting out of Derek's dirty mouth.
Nathan pulled out 10 pounds.
"this is all I have" Nathan shoved the moey towards Derek. Derek's face turned a violent shade of red. He gripped Nathan's shirt with both of his hands and pulled him up against the wall.
"Give me my damn money, I don't give a shit if your a teenage boy, you owe me some fucking money."
"Hey Derek man calm down I thought we were all right. i thought there were no problems here." Nathan was attempting to refrain from swears, hoping that would would sooth the obvioubsly high drug dealer. Abruptly Derek shoved Nathan on the ground and started beating him, using his hands, feet, anything that would bruise or injure Nathan. After fifteen minutes of brutal beating, Derek kicked Nathan in the shins. He laughed when Nathan groaned. Lastly the drug dealer spit on Nathan.
"Go and get your precious fixes from other people. If I ever see you again, you'll never live to see anyone". Derek stormed off into the alley. Nathan layed there in the alley and cried. He cried until he saw a slightley chubby girl with straight blond hair come into the alley.
"Sir, are you all right?" She bent over and helped Nathan up, "Your nose is bleeding, and your face is all sctratched up."
He stared at her and smiled.
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hope you liked it.