The Truth Hurts Worst


Reba POV

Turns out Pete does love a few things more then himself, At least that's what he told me.

"So Pete." I said as we went down the road, KROQ playing quietly in the background. "What do you love more then yourself?" I asked flashing a smile towards him, trying to make conversation.

He laughed and looked briefly from the road towards me. At least he didn't take it in offense. Normally I would guess he'd stop the car and tell me to get the fuck out. But living in Hollywood, you have to know not everything is how it appears. And I guess its the same with Peter Pan here.

"Well unknown to many Reba." He began as the Tahoe came to a halt at a red light. "I love my entire family, my band, my fans, my dogs, Hemingway.."

"Wait, the author or your dog?" I interrupted, placing my hand on his arm. He looked down towards his arm and back up to me, with a look of pure confusion about what I did. And frankly I don't know why I did it. I quickly removed my hand. I'm only twenty, geez....

"Um both....but my dog Hemingway more because he's like a son to me." He said. He's voice sounded stunned, hurt. Did I do something?.....

But nonetheless he drove the rest of the way to pick up Hemingway, and he placed the bulldog in the backseat. I have to admit the are truly adorable dogs.

But the only thing Pete said to me, was if I wanted to hang out as he's house. He's reasoning was that Hemingway doesn't really like cars all too well. But as he was telling me this I looked back to where the adorable little dog was. He was lying down with his eyes drooping...But nonetheless I told Pete yes. I don't know why but something about Pete feels right. At least for now.


Pete has a pretty hugh house. Especially for one person...I mean I got a hugh apartment but its less then HALF the size of this place. And it has enough room for Mares and Sarah to sleep over and bring guests!

"Soooo do you like my house?" Pete asked walking around me. He must have seen the staring.

"Uh yeah its...hugh?" I said walking forwards following Pete upstairs.

"HA! Thanks. I hoped it wasn't godly." He said laughing once again. Geez me agreeing to come here sure brighten he's day once more didn't it?....

"Um nope not a bit?" I said sitting down on a black couch. This must be his living room? Too bad there's no one here that's living.

"Kay thanks" He said coming out from a hallway. He sat down next to me. He looked around. Probably noticing I was doing the same. Unlike most I never saw an episode of MTV Cribs in my I didn't know what he's house looked like. But even though I was looking around I knew he was looking at me. Did I have something on my face? Geez...

"Reba?" Pete said quietly so I would like at him. But when I did he had he's face very close to mine. And as soon as our eyes were simiattached he pressed he lips to mine.