Something Completely Different

Chapter One

Hard. Fast. All I could feel was the wind blowing into my face. Hard, cold, and piercing. I hated running in Winter. It felt as if a knife, or fire, or even cold metal was piercing your skin. Leaving you numb. It hurt terribly. More than all of the combat training. Well what it had done to me anyway. That left me aching for days when I first got here... Now I just went in. Got out, and it was all over. Through and simple.

Its been about a month since I got myself locked up in this place. I went in December 17, 2020. It was now January 23,2021. My birthday. My original one anyway. Since coming here I had gotten a new identity, look, even voice. I still haden't gotten used to myself and you would think with all I had been through I would get it through my head pretty fast. Well for me it just wouldn't stick.

I just couldn't wait for this day to be over. Just like I wished every other day. Only thing was it was only 9:05 A.M. I wouldn't be out of here till ten at night. Running was just the warm ups...after this things got harsh. Of course I was a little bit used to this now. Waking up at six in the morning. Eating the scraps that these cheepos gave us quickly. Ten minutes tops. Then we went for as nice, long three hour and fifty minute run. After wearing our legs out for life we would get to the gym. Stay for about five hours and soon about to drop dead in our socks and then there would be no reason for us to have been running away from our problems at all if they were gonna kill us. Useless bastards. The rest of the day was left to combat training, martial arts, target practice, and what I called hide-and-go-seek. BAsically running from the others, try not to get caught, and get a shot at them if you could. That was a normal day here. Things did get a little complicated sometimes as you went but thats not important right now.

"John... John... JOHN! " I turned startled by the sudden noise. The luitenant was practically screaming his lungs out by the time I finally noticed. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"What sir?!" Protocol. Fucking hated it...

"What? Do you not know your own name?!"

"Yes sir! Just concentrating sir!"

"Well you'll have to concentrate better than that! How the fuck do expect to defet your enemy if you CAN'T EVEN HEAR THEM!?" This guy seriously needed to chillax. Well...yeah he was right. I had to actually hear them but why the fucking hell did I have to stay alert now?! Not like anyone was after me. If they had been then I would have been listening. Fucking ass!

"Sorry sir!"

"Good! Well as I was saying...Rashel needs to see you. Turns out its an emergency. I guess even more important than training I guess which is exactly what you need to deal with an emergency but as it turns out she is overly stubborn."

I stood with a totally white, blank look on my face, probably looking like a complete idiot as I just stood there. Needed me? Students in training weren't supposed to go out on the field until they have done six months of training and have passed all their tests...What the fuck could have been so important to overrule almost every rule in the book? Or was it that I was ready for my tests now? And RASHEL! Where the fuck had she gone after that letter?! I was supposed to meet her soon after. She never came. So when she needs help she decides to come?! Shit! Some people just got on my fucking nerves so much! Even the ones I haven't even met.

"Well? John? You gonna go or what?" The Luitenant said. I had completely spaced out in thought once again. And I think this time he was really getting annoyed by this shit.

"Yes sir!" I said and ran off. If this was my first mission or test or whatever I had to do good. This would proably determine how long the rest of my stay here would be...Whatever it was, if I wasn't good enough I knew I would be home in only a few hours time. But then again if I was fresh and ready for it all to come at me I just might make it this time. My first impression had to be the best impression. All of my impressions had to be good...Shit!

I made my way over to the main building, getting ready for all the things that could possibly happen in the next hour. I prepared myself for it all as I walked up to the door and stood there. I stood there wondering...Was this the right place for me or not? Was I really good enough? Was this what I wanted?

All of these things overwhelmed me as I brought my hand up and finally knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard in a voice that sounded terribly familiar. I opened the door slowly and walked inside as if it were a funeral home. As if someone were dead and we all had to pay respects and say our prayers.

As I walked in I saw someone I thought I would never see again. It had been so long and seeing her again stopped my pulse. As it started to beat again It beat faster and faster until it felt as if my heart were to beat out of my chest.

"Hello. Son. You should know...I am Rashel. There don't know...about me. I am an undercover. I go along with all of the things that group that attacked you do. I say I am with them..but you must trust me. I am not the bad one. That is why they assigned me to you. Because I knew you. Because I was with them...From here on things will get better. But right now there is a problem with..."

She went on a on as I stood speechless, barely listening to the words she spoke. She had betrayed me so many years back and now she comes back? To hel me? I think not! This had to be all just a big mistake. A big scam in the middle of my life. This was all fake. All just a dream...

"Your sister is dead... They killed her." Those were about the only words I had heard from her mouth the whole time. Those words. Did those words possibly have the meaning I thought they had? It couldn't be true...

"But with you help we could get back at them together...As family."

.......I guess someone had died after all.