Something Completely Different

Chapter Two

Yeah. Leave me and then don't come back until my lil sis died...Great mother. Ain't she one of a kind?! HAd some fucking nerve too. What did she even have to do with this?! She hadn't explained shit except that my little sister (that I honestly loved to death...) was dead. Thats really some great news to bring to your son after years of abandonment, isn't it. This was the only thing stuck on my mind as I sat back in my quarters thinking of the past hour's bullshit parade.
I couldn't believe this was happening. Wait. Did I mention? I actually have to go with her. On my 'first mission'. Yeah right. I didn't even believe she worked for this place. She was too...I don't know...Fragile or something. She just didn't fit. But I had till tomorrow morning to think about this. It was either go or get kicked out. My choice. Either way I was probably gonna end up dead. I didn't have enough training for the field. I just got started. I wasn't far enough yet. But if I just got kicked out I had no back up whatsoever. Not only would I be out on my own but I would be out on my own with no skills. Big no no in this life I had. But I did miss it. I missed it so bad.
My whole life was normal. Or as close to normal as normal could get. I loved her. She loved me. Lauren that is. She was my girlfriend. Or so much more than that. The night it happened I was gonna propose to her. I know she would have said yes. She had too. But I guess I'll never know...
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One Year Ago

Life was great for me. I was in my number one top choice college (Yale) for law. My family was at its all time best. No fights since mom had left. Things were great. I loved it all. Yale was right near my house too. No further than a mile away. It took nothing to drive there and come back everyday. I lived with my sister, Vivian. We had to have the best brother, sister relationship than anyone I had ever met. We rarely got into fights and she always knew what I was going through. We just had this certain way of knowing how to comfort each other. It was weird but..hey. It was also useful.
This I thought about while sitting in class just daydreaming again. Daydreaming about how great my life was. How it could turn out. I knew it would all be great. But at one time I did need a lot of convincing to know this.after mom just left me and Cindy were complete wrecks. Not crying, all emotional wrecks. But 'how could she do this to us?' wrecks. There was a difference.
But now as I sat everyday telling myself things were better I knew they would be. Things had actually been more peaceful around the house since then. More serene, lets say.
"John? Please answer the question..." Said Mr.Horowitz. Oh, crap. What was it he said? Yeah that was another one of my problems. I never seemed to listen when I was supposed to. I listened when I wasn't supposed to. But what could I say? I had a thing for easdropping.
"John, meet me after class." He said. Hey, then he could tell me what he was talking about. Better for me. He continued talking about whatever law it was he was dealing with now.
This may have been my top choice college...but it was not my top subject. Law meant nothing to me. I was just expected to get into the law proffesion since everyone in my fathers family had been a lawyer or a cop or FBI or whatever. Me? It didn't interest me in the least. What I wanted was to be a musician. a band or something. But I knew that was probably impossible for me. The business of music was extremely competitive. Not to mention I had no idea where to start. But I was now stuck in this place so I had no reason to worry about anything but how this teacher/professor dude was gonna kick my ass when we got out of here.
"Class Dismissed," I heard. Shit! Already!? How the hell did that much time get by that fast?! "John please come up here." And as you can guess I did. Well..duh. I wasn't going to get kicked out of school and have hundreds of thousands of dollars and my precious time wasted for nothing.
"You have been really distracted in class lately you do realise that?" Again with the speeches. "I'm worried about you John. You had amazing grades...Otherwise you wouldn't be here. You could make such a career out of law and you are sitting here learning nothing new and have almost no chance now...So make your choice now...Do you want this or not?"
THE question. No I didn't want this. But I wasn't going to tell him that. No way. I had nothing else to do. So I was going to do it no matter how many times he made this same speech in this same classroom in this same spot. If he kept this up? Then fuck yeah was I going to quit! But right now I knew I couldn't.
"Yeah I want this. Now can I go? I do have a life you know..."
"Yeah...Just keep up John. Please?" And that was that. I left feeling no different than I had when I came in. No matter how much I hated law things were great right now. At least the law had gotten me a job with decent pay. That was good enough for me.
I left the building and quickly walked over to my Mercedes. I couldn't wait to get home! As it turns out Vivian was making lasagna. My favorite. I refused to eat it from anyone else but her. So much for having a life...

As I walked (well ran) over to my car I noticed someone coming from the same exact place I was going to. Also running. I was about to break into a stop but it was a little to late for that. We crashed into each other, her sending me backward a little and her being pushed to the ground.
"Oh my God! I am so sorry!!!" I said as I walked over to her and pulled her up. "I was just in a rush and...I didn't see you coming!"
"Hey! Haha! Its okay I'm fine," She said as she steadied herself and brushed the dirt off of herself. "Oh, yeah. I'm lauren by the way!" Huh? Where did that come from?
"Oh. Yeah. I'm John."
"Yeah I knew that already," She said while sort of giggling. I didn't know what to call it. "Were in Mr.Horowitz's class together. He just doesn't seem interesting enough for you, ey?"
"Yeah. I don't know if its him or the law thats boring," I said a little sarcasticly. Or trying to be sarcastic. I was too busy picking up my books.
"Law? Boring? Then why get into it?" She asked showing clear interest.
"Well. Kinda runs in my family. Don't have much of a choice."
"Just because they do it doesn't mean you have too..."She said sympathetically. "Its yoiur choice. But hey! I gotta go. I think I'll be seeing you around more often she." She said with a really big grin on her face. And she left before I even got the chance to say bye. There was just something about her. Kinda weird. But cool I guess. And with that I thought about her for almost the rest of the night.
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Well...I think its good. Not sure....COMMENT PLEASE!!! :)