Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 1

Do you know how it feels when your world crumbles?
Know what it feels like to be barred by boundaries?
My life got torn in two by boundaries...
This is my story...

It all started with the school exchange my school was having. One of us was going to be able to go to the richest school for one school year. One student was going to be given the once in a lifetime chance, and being everyone in my year put in an application. But little did I know that putting in my application was going to change my whole life.
"Yo Tash!" Someone yelled through the hallways of our crowded school.
I turned around to see Alyssa who was running to catch me up.
"Hey hun what's wrong? Your class is the opposite way isn't it?" I asked puzzled.
"Yeah it is but I just wondered have you put in your application for Whitecroft yet?"
I looked at her still confused at to why she would want to know this.
"Erm no I haven't yet I was going to at lunch... why is there a problem?"
"Oh no babe there isn't a problem so you want me to meet you to come with?" She asked.
I waited a few minuets before replying "Yeah okay then, I have math in room 221 meet you there?"
She nodded and ran to her classroom, I made my way into my english class and sat in the seat in the corner by the window. I felt the seat being taken next to me and looked up to see Joe, one of my best friends who happens to be going out with Daisy another good friend of mine. He smiled at me and got his books out of his bag. When he was finished he looked at me again, why do I get the feeling all my friends have been talking behind my back.
"Hey Tash, you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah... actually no I think you lot have been talking about me."
"You want the truth?" He mumbled so no one would listen.
"Well it would be nice Joe!" I replied getting angrier by the second.
"Okay... we've been talking about you handing in your application we all know you want to go we're just all nervous for you. I promise that's all!"
I grumbled a "fine" before turning back to face the front.
English had flew by and maths was near enough finished when I saw Alyssa standing outside the classroom door.
The class was dismissed and as soon as I set my foot out of the door I was being dragged to the reception where all forms were to be handed in.
The receptionist looked up as soon as I entered through the door.
"Yes dear, how can I help you?"
I opened my mouth to speak when, surprise surprise Alyssa got there before me.
"She want's to hand in her application form for Whitecroft."
Man I swear she's more excited then I am!
I handed my form to the receptionist and she checked it over for me and let us go.
"Alyssa! How are you more excited then I am over this?"
She looked at me and replied "because you were excited as soon as it was announced and I get to be excited for my best friend okay?"
I rolled my eyes "True true"
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Okay this is one of my other stories on quizilla I've completed this one and thought I'd post this one too.. Enjoy..x