Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 12

A month had passed since that dreadful day, Shaun and myself talk to each other in classes, but it just wasn't the same as before. Candy was always glued to his side, like I expected, but something told me deep down he wasn't happy. That was the day my locker had been slammed shut. Just as I expected Candy was standing there asmile on her plastic face.
"Yes?" I asked coldly
She giggled "just a warning Tash, stay away from my man. I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. I know that there is something going on. So stay away, he's mine NOT yours." Her voice was chirpy but I could hear the deadly undertone hidden.
"If I don't?"
Her face darkened and she replied "you will face the concequences"
I couldn't help it, I laughed and replied sarcastically "yeah okay, whatever you say."
She walked away her group of girls following her like lost puppies.
I went into tutorial and sat in my seat by the window, thank god it's the last lesson of the day. It wasn't long before Shaun came in and took his seat next to me.
"Hey Tash" He said cheerfully.
"Mmmm" I said in reply.
"What's wrong? Has someone hurt you?" He said in a rush.
"Nothing and no not that I know of" I replied with a quiet "yet"
I said it quiet enough for him not to hear but as my luck goes he heard me.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YET?!" He yelled.
"Damn" I sighed "remember I told you if your girlfriend threatens me I will hurt her..." He nooded so I continued "well let's just say she HAS to watch her back from now on."
His mouth was hanging open and he said in disbelief "she threatened you?!"
"No... she walked up to me and wanted me to play barbies with her! Of course she threatened me!" I yelled sarcastically.
"Maybe it was a bad idea for me to still talk to you" I mumbled.
"What?" He asked
"You heard"
Shaun sighed "no it wasn't, she won't hurt you Tash. I won't let her."
"Whatever you say Shaun."
Tutorial passed slowly and I couldn't help but talk to Shaun.
Candy happened to be in some of Shaun's classes and because I was seated next to him in all classes I was the subject of undignified glares. Lunch soon arrived and it was planned for everyone to come over to mine tonight, hopefully we can do something fun. Thank god it's the weekend two whole days where Shaun would be nowhere near me! Also I wouldn't have to worry about Candy and what she now has planned. After lunch Emma and myself made our way back to my house and waited for the others to turn up.
3 hours later we were all sitting in the living room getting the sleeping bags ready. After eating and making loads of popcorn we decided on scary movies to watch. It was about 3am the next thing I knew everyone had fallen asleep, I made my way into the kitchen and got myself some water when I heard someone walk in also. It was Ethan.
"Tash. I know you don't want to hear this or talk about this but please listen. We are all here for you you know, we will gladly kick Candy's butt for doing this, just say the word." I giggled and he carried on "Just think though if he doesn't realise what he's missing with you then you're better off without him okay?"
I walked over to him and hugged him tightly which he returned. I must admit out of all of the gang Ethan was the person who will make you feel so much better an will just hug you and tell you it will be okay.
"Thanks Ethan, you're the best."
We both walked into the living room again and got into our sleeping bags. I fell into a restless sleep.
It was 4pm the next day and everyone was packed and ready to leave, after assuring everyone that I would be fine they all left. Everyone at home was away this weekend so I had the house to myself, so I ran upstairs into the bathroom and took a long shower. I was changed and was just brushing my hair through when I heard someone knock on the front door. I ran downstairs to open it and was shocked with who I saw standing there. Shaun.
"What?" I asked coldly.
"Want to hang out?" He asked sheepishly.
"Wouldn't that be defying your girlfriends rules?"
"Not if we hang out here where no-one can see us both."
He walked inside and waited for me to shut the door, I walked into the living room planting myself on the couch. Shaun followed and we both sat there in silence.
"So?" I asked.
Shaun looked at me and our eyes locked. He leaned in towards me and our lips touched. My eyes closed as I kissed him back with as much passion as he gave me and he his tounge licked across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I allowed. It lasted a few minuets until Shaun's phone started to ring. That brought me back to reality with a bump. I jumped back and fell off the couch and backed myself to the wall. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I was so wrapped up in my own head that I only heard the end of the converstation happening."Okay baby, I'll see you soon." He looked at me while the other person spoke and he cleared his throat looking hurt as he said "yeah... love you too." Shaun shut his phone and looked at me.
At that point I was muttering to myself "what did I do now?!"
"DAMN!" I yelled and I covered my face with my hands.
"I'm so sorry Tash... I just... I don't know what I'm doing"
I looked at him he was somehow managed to crouch in front of me. Anger ran though my veins as I stood up.
"HOW DARE YOU!" I yelled. He stepped back.
"Shaun, unless you haven't bloody noticed you're dating Candy aka you're girlfriend! It's bad enough you said yes but to do this to come here and kiss me!"
I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing.
"I'm SO sorry Tash, I'm just so sorry"
"leave." I said.
"What?" He asked surprised.
"I said LEAVE!"
I heard him slowly walk out and the front door shut. When I though it was safe enough to move I locked the front door and ran upstairs to my room. I brokedown crying.
"WHY DID HE DO THIS?!" I yelled to no-one.
I don't know how long I had been crying for but later on my phone went off. A text, it read...
'Tash, you mean more to me than you know. The kiss, it meant something to me. It made me feel happy. I'm really sorry I screwed everything up. Please text me when you get this to let me know you're okay. Shaun.'
"I'm screwed." I muttered to myself.
Monday arrived all too quickly and I made my way to science and took my seat inside. Surprisingly Shaun had not arrived yet and the lesson was 15minuets in. Another 5minuets passed and Shaun walked in looking disheveled, there was lipstick marks on is neck and collar of his shirt and everyone wolf whistled as he made his way to the teacher. As Shaun turned around to walk to his seat I scowled at him. Susan noticed this and as Shaun took his seat asked me 'what's wrong'. I shook my head violently and mouthed back 'nothing'.
The class was only half way through and Shaun was still trying to get me to talk to him.
"Why didn't you text me back?" He asked for the 7th time.
I growled in response.
"Answer me dammit!"
I took a deep breath and replied "look I DON'T want to be beaten up okay? So before you get anymore plans to do so. Please stop."
"I'm sorry Tash! I don't know what I can do to make it up to you!" He replied solemnly.
"Nothing, absolutly nothing."
"Tash please" He begged. I looked at him, I couldn't help it, I smiled. Damn, he looks good when he begs.
"I'm really sorry, I just don't know how to make it up to you. I really want to. I lo..." He stopped.
I looked at him quizzically "you what?"
"I erm... look stupid?" He said questioning himself before he said "yeah I look stupid."
"You do look stupid I agree" I said smiling.
"HEY" He yelled undignified
"You said it not me"
"I know. I forgive you, can you forgive me? Tash please?"
"Fine" I sighed
He smiled, hugged me and kissed my cheek. But before he pulled away he whispered in my ear "I don't regret it you know"
I glared at him playfully and the bell rang so we made our way to our lockers for break.
"So why were you late to science?" I asked while we were walking to our lockers.
"You really want to know?" He asked and I nodded so he carried on "Candy. She wouldn't listen to me when I told her I had to go."
"Oh and I'm sure you didn't enjoy it" I said sarcastically.
"I didn't she's not as good as you." He replied.
We both opened our lockers and I noticed after he had finished he was still standing there. Confused I asked "what are you doing?"
"Waiting for you, duh"
"Why don't you..." He started until he was cut off by somebody screaming...
"Snookums! You were supposed to meet me!"
I laughed I couldn't help it. Unfortunatly it just focused her attention on me.
"You. Why are you here?"Candy asked in disgust.
"Well you see your Highness this is MY locker. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you when you threatened me! Oh wait! That's right you ALREADY knew!" I screamed sarcastically.
She looked behind me and I turned to face her 'followers'.
"Yes?" I asked them coldly.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." One of them said in a deadly tone.
"Aww! Well aren't you good little puppies! You deserve treats!" I said smiling then I said "well done Candy you've got them well trained!"
I heard Shaun laugh but it turned into a gasp as the one that warned me started to charge at me ready to fight. She lifted her fist ready to punch me when I knocked her on the ground and started to punch her. When she stopped fighting back I stopped punching.
"You really want to try that again?!" I said venom in my voice.
She shook her head and I replied "Good."
I stood up and noticed that Candy had her followers back behind her. I walked over to them and said to Candy "get one of your puppies to touch me again I swear I will hunt you down and I WILL make your life a living hell." I said my tone had turned deadly. Candy looked at me wide eyed and hid behind Shaun while saying "Shaun, baby help me! Tell her to stop!" She was nearly crying and that gave me satisfaction.
"Don't worry I'm going see you around Candy remember watch your back." I looked at Shaun who had an amused expression on his face. "Bye Shaun see you in maths"
As I walked away I heard Candy yelling at Shaun.
"Why didn't you stick up for me?! Your MY boyfriend!"
I didn't hear his response as I walked out of the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to Mystic Dreamer ..x