Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 13

Shaun's pov

It's been a month since I had said yes to Candy, and damn did I regret it. Tash luckily is still talking to me but it just isn't the same as it used to be. Like Tash had said Candy was always by my side, but even if she was my eyes still followed Tash around. Candy didn't take much notice, she carried on talking to her friends. I suddenly noticed Candy wasn't by my side anymore and took the chance to find Oliver.
"Hey man" I said
"Hey, finally unglued Candy then?"
"Yeah she just sorta disappeared, not that I'm bothered"
"Dude, Candy is very clingy are you sure you like that?"
I thought about the question before answering.
"No I do not like it."
We carried on talking about random things until I decided to go to tutorial, I made my way to the room and when I got there I noticed Tash already there. I made my way to the seat next to her.
"Hey Tash" I said cheerfully, I always loved being around her, she made me happy.
"Mmmm" She said in reply
"What's wrong? Has someone hurt you?"I said in a rush.
"Nothing and no not that I know of" She replied with a quiet "yet"
I know she didn't want me to hear that part and yet I did and it made me angry.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YET?!" I yelled.
"Damn" She sighed, "remember I told you if your girlfriend threatens me I will hurt her..."I nodded soTash continued "well let's just say she HAS to watch her back from now on."
Mymouth was hanging open and I said in disbelief "she threatened you?!"
"No... she walked up to me and wanted me to play barbies with her! Of course she threatened me!" She yelled sarcastically.
"Maybe it was a bad idea for me to still talk to you" Tash mumbled.
"What?" I asked
"You heard"
I sighed "no it wasn't, she won't hurt you Tash. I won't let her."
"Whatever you say Shaun."
Tutorial passed slowly but Tash still talked to me and it was soon time for lunch.
Soon after I found myself wondering around my house. Damn I wanted to see her again. My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID and groaned.
"Baby! I miss you, can I come over?" Candy yelled over the phone.
"Babe, no, I'm hanging out with my brother tonight. Maybe tomorrow night okay?"
"Okay tomorrow it's a date. l'll ring you then." She sighed "love you."
"Love you too."
I sighed as she hung up, I don't love her. How could I?! Damn I love Tash. Crap.
I went to bed and went into a restless sleep dreaming about what could be. I really needed to sort out my life.
I woke up with a start to someone calling my name.
"Hey bro" Callum said from above me.
I groaned and rolled over, the covers were yanked off of me.
"Callum!" I groaned
"Yes big brother dear" he said sweetly.
"Go away!"
"No someone's on the phone for you."
"Who is it?! And what the hell is the time?!" I yelled while waking up fully and trying to focus on my clock.
"Candy and 9am" Callum said smiling.
"Well tell Candy to ring later as in tonight"
9am! Damn.
"Okay but you owe me!" Callum said while walking out and shutting the door.
"Ugh!" I groaned.
Might as well get up and get ready, I jumped off my bed and went into my bathroom to take a shower. Once done I brushed my teeth and walked into my closet and got changed. Walking out of my closet my phone went off. God a text.
'Hey sweetie (: I'll ring you tonight then love you.'
God Candy again. How many calls and texts does she want to do. After finishing everything I made my way downstairs 12pm. Man when did that happen.
"Hey Callum" I yelled out while making a sandwich, I heard him running and he came into the kitchen panting.
"Want to watch tv with me?" I asked. He looked shocked I never hang out with my brother that often.
"Sure" he said confused.
We ended up watching a football game and just generally talking. When I noticed the time said 3pm I walked into the hall and grabbed a jacket. Callum followed.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"Just out I'll be back soon okay?"
He nodded his head and I walked out the door.
I started my car and began the drive to Tash's house. I went past her drive and saw 2 cars in there. I decided to wait until they left before going to the door. I didn't have to wait long. I made my way to Tash's door and knocked. I heardthe sound of running and the door opened to reveal Tash. Her face turned from surprise to disgust in seconds.
"What?" She asked coldly
"Want to hang out?"I asked sheepishly
"Wouldn't that be defying your girlfriends rules?"
"Not if we hang out here where no-one can see us both."
I walked inside and followed her into the living room once she had shut the door. She had planted herself on the couch so I joined her.
"So?" She asked
She turned to look at me and our eyes locked, I leaned forward withoutthinking our lips met and the kiss soon turned hotter when she opened her mouth for me. The kiss lasted a few minuets until my phone rang. Both of our eyesopened from being shut and Tash fell off the couch pushing herself to a wall.
I answered my phone.
"Hello?"I asked irritably
"Baby can you some over?"
God, I've just had the best kiss of my life and Candy rings to ruin it.
."Okay baby, I'll see you soon."
I lookedat Tash who was staring at me and I listened to what Candy was saying "good snookums,love you"
Iwas looking at Tash still and I cleared my throat. How can I say those words when I know the words aren't true. The person I love is in front of me.
"Yeah... love you too." I shut my phone and waited for Tash to say something, but she was muttering to herself.
"What did I do now?!" I heard her mutter
"DAMN!"She yelled as she covered her face with her hands.
"I'm so sorry Tash... I just... I don't know what I'm doing"
She looked at me and I was crouched down in front of her. Tash stood up.
"HOW DARE YOU!" She yelled.I stepped back.
"Shaun, unless you haven't bloody noticed you're dating Candy aka you're girlfriend! It's bad enough you said yes but to do this to come here and kiss me!"
She closed my eyes and took deep breaths obviously trying to control her breathing.
"I'm SO sorry Tash, I'm just so sorry"
"leave." She said.
"What?" I asked surprised
"I said LEAVE!"

I left Tash. I left her. How could I have messed this up more I just wanted to kiss her. I really do love Tash I've just got to find a way to make this work.
Before I knew it I was parked in front of Candy's house waiting for her.
That night was the worst night of my life.
Monday came around quickly and I was cornered by Candy. The bell had rung a while ago and she still wouldn't let me go.
"Dammit Candy I need to go!" I yelled.
She stepped back "fine. But I know the real reason you want to go. Tash."
I walked away fuming.
I ran to science and walked inside after apologising to the teacher I saw Tash scowling at me. I sat in my seat next to her and asked her why she didn't reply to the text I had sent her while on my 'date'.
"Why didn't you text me back?"I asked for the 7th time.
Tash growled at me.
"Answer me dammit!"
She took a deep breath and replied "look I DON'T want to be beaten up okay? So before you get anymore plans to do so. Please stop."
"I'm sorry Tash! I don't know what I can do to make it up to you!"I replied solemnly.
"Nothing, absolutly nothing."
"Tash please"I begged. She looked at me and smiled. Damn.
"I'm really sorry, I just don't know how to make it up to you. I really want to. I lo..."I stopped myself.
She looked at me quizzically "you what?"
"I erm... look stupid?" I said questioning myself before I said "yeah I look stupid."
"You do look stupid I agree"she said smiling.
"HEY" I yelled undignified
"You said it not me"
"I know. I forgive you, can you forgive me? Tash please?"
"Fine" She sighed
I smiled, hugged her and kissed her cheek. But before I pulled away I whispered in her ear "I don't regret it you know"
She glared at me and the bell rang so we made our way to our lockers for break.
"So why were you late to science?" Tash asked while we were walking to our lockers.
"You really want to know?" I asked and she nodded so I carried on "Candy. She wouldn't listen to me when I told her I had to go."
"Oh and I'm sure you didn't enjoy it" she said sarcastically.
"I didn't she's not as good as you."I replied.
We both opened our lockers and I stood there waiting for her. Tash looked confused and asked "what are you doing?"
"Waiting for you, duh"
"Why don't you..." I started until I was cut off by somebody screaming...
"Snookums! You were supposed to meet me!"
Tash laughed but that focused Candy's attention on her.
"You. Why are you here?" Candy asked in disgust.
"Well you see your Highness this is MY locker. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you when you threatened me! Oh wait! That's right you ALREADY knew!" Tash screamed sarcastically.
She looked behind Tash and she turned to face her 'followers'.
"Yes?" Tash asked them coldly.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." One of them said in a deadly tone.
"Aww! Well aren't you good little puppies! You deserve treats!" Tash said smiling then carried on "well done Candy you've got them well trained!"
I laughed but it turned into a gasp as the one that warned Tash started to charge ather ready to fight. She lifted her fist ready to punch her whenTash knocked her on the ground and started to punch her. When she stopped fighting back Tash stopped punching.
"You really want to try that again?!" Tash said venom in her voice.
She shook her head and Tash replied "Good."
Tash stood up and noticed that Candy had her followers back behind her.She walked over to them and said to Candy "get one of your puppies to touch me again I swear I will hunt you down and I WILL make your life a living hell." her tone had turned deadly. Candy looked ather wide eyed and hid behind me while saying "Shaun, baby help me! Tell her to stop!" She was nearly crying and that gave Tash a satisfied smile.
"Don't worry I'm going see you around Candy remember watch your back."Tash looked at me I must admit I was pleased. "Bye Shaun see you in maths"
As Tash walked away Candy started yelling at me.
"Why didn't you stick up for me?! Your MY boyfriend!"
"You shouldn't have done that in the first place!" I yelled at her.
"But..." Candy started but I cut her off.
"No Candy you shouldn't have done and there are NO BUTS! I can't believe I went out with you! You do my head in! Look I'm sorry but were over! Leave Tash alone unless you want something to happen. You could easily loose your popularity you know."
She gasped and walked away.
I had to find Tash.
I ran out of the doors and went to look for Emma. She would know where she was.
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Enjoy (: ..x