Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 2

Alyssa dragged me to the lunch room and into the line that had already formed for the food. As we slowly made our progress in the line we started chatting randomly about people in the school. Once we had gotten and paid for our food we made our way to our table. Yes people we have our own table, we religiously sat at this table. When we got there everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Okay I am seriously getting annoyed at that.
"Hey you guys stop talking about me! I know you are! For all your information I have just given in my application happy?!"
I couldn't help but yell.
They all swallowed looking at me and one by one a smile grew on all of their faces.
"Yay!" They all cheered.
With the tension gone we all started to talk normally after of course they had promised not to talk behind my back again.
Lunch had soon finished and it was double P.E but thinking about it after this we can all go home!
Luckily we are all in the same P.E class so all of us are together. Wow now I remember I haven't told you about our gang... let me fill you in...
First off there is Kim I've known her since primary school and we are still best friends top this day, then we have Joe well actually I can include Daisy in this aswell, both of them I met in year 7 and we've stuck together since. Then It's Chris, he is the best boy mate I could ever have always there for me, he's like my brother. Then we have Ashlee, she's the newbie if you like she joined our group after I met her in science she was new to the school and we have become really close. Then It's dear Alyssa the 2nd best friend in the group this girl could keep a secret to save your life if she had to! Then last but not least it's Ethan, he's the charmer of the group always has a new girlfriend in a few weeks if not days! But we love him for it we all know his personality away from the rumours.
So that's our gang and we just happen to be sitting on the field waiting for the rest of the class to make their way outside. Gradually the class had made their way to thefield and we were all sat in little circles chatting amongst ourselves. The teacher cleared his throat and when he managed to get our attention he told us all what we were going to play... dodgeball!
After an hour the dogeball game was finally coming to a close and it was just Ashlee left on our team. On the other team Chelsea (the school bigshot) was the only one left. We all sat in tension waiting for Ashlee to take her shot. 5... 4... 3... 2... BANG... Chelsea was out. All of us ran up to Ashlee to hug her when we did she still seemed surprised that it all happened. After 5mins of pursuading Ashlee to stop jumping around and to get changed the class was dismissed and we were all allowed to go home.
I started walking to the car park where my brother Travis was supposed to drive home. I was walking with Kim when I heard a horn honking someone yelled my name and I turned around to see my brother in his car with a few of his friends. I walked over and got into the passenger seat saying hi to Travis' friends.
The ride home was silent to me the boy's were laughing and joking but I wasn't there my thoughts were off to Whitecroft.
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urgh it does get better I promise.. the first few chapters for me are always the worst to do.. Enjoy!..x