Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 3

2 months later...

As we all sat in the great hall awaiting the verdict on who was going to be leaving the school for a year, everyone and I mean everyone was sitting on the edges of their seats. It seemed like a lifetime until the headmaster walked onto the stage at the front of the hall. He faced us all and cleared his throat.
He positoned the microphone to his height and started to talk.
"Good morning students, I know that all of you are awaiting the results for the student that will be leaving us for a school year. I must say before I go on..." everybody in the hall groaned and he cleared his throat again "As I was saying, I must say that it was a very hard desicion but the facilty and myself are agreed that this student deserves this chance. So everybody no hard feelings please. Mrs White can I have the envelope please?"
Everyone was watching the movements of Mrs White as she made her way through the allyway of the seats. When the envelope was given nobody took any notice of Mrs White again.
"Okay everybody, the moment of truth. We can congratulate Miss Natasha Simpson for our student leaving us for this year. Everyone can now go back to their lessons and please congratulate Miss Simpson if you see her." He paused and waited for the eruption of noise to die down before continuing. "Miss Simpson please come to my office after this so we can discuss everything. That is all."
He walked off the stage.
I sat there paralysed at to what had just happened.
Did he just say my name?!
I think he did...
By the look of everyones faces staring at me he definatly said my name.
"OH EM GEE! Tash! It's you!" Ashlee squealed
"Are you sure?" I asked still in shock
"Yeah Tash they defo said your name" Chris replied smiling.
One by one they all started laughing.
"Wait... what's so funny?" I asked puzzled
"Your... face!... it's you Tash... it's really you!" Kim said in fits of giggles.
"Come on let's get you to the principles office" Ethan said while grabbing my arms and dragging me along, the rest all followed.
"Wait... wait... are you all coming in with me? Please say you are!" I was suddenly worried at to what to expect. What if it was all a prank and someone else got to go to Whitecroft.
"Sure sure..." They replied shoving me in the office first... wait hang on how the hell did I get here so quickly.
We all walked into the office and I took the seat opposite the principle while the others stood around me.
"Well, I think a congratulations are in order Miss Simpson. Well I take it you are eager enough to get all the details."
"Yes sir and thank you to everyone this means so much to me"
"We all know it does Natasha, that is why you were chosen. You are a bright student and this opportunity means a great deal to your education." He ruffled through some papers and handed them to me.
"That there are your papers that you need to read through before you leave. In there it tells you what classes you will have, where and what time they will be. Now your time at Whitecroft will begin next month they have yet to choose their student, but once they have chosen you will be notified as to when you will begin. It should be after their mid-term holidays which begin next week."
"Wow they have mid-term holidays" I said speechless
The others all giggled around me.
"Yes Natasha they do. As I said before the papers tell you all about the school. So I now dismiss you to all go back to your classes before the end you still have 10mins before lunchtime. Have a good time at Whitecroft Miss Andrews, be sure to represent the school while you are there. Oh and before I forget you will be wearing a uniform that is downstairs with reception please pick it up before you go home. That is all."
We all made our way outside and decided not to go to the end of the lesson we were in, we all sat on the grass waiting for the bell. Joe had my paper at the moment and was reading them, this was our routine we do it with our exam results each one of us read it before the person whose results they are gets to see them. I was happy for them to read them I was lost in my own world not interested in the world around me. I didnt notice until I was picked up and twirled around in the air that Travis had appeared after hearing the good news and offered to buy me lunch. To which I agreed of course!
The end of the day soon arrived and I was making my way to the reception desk to pick up my new uniform. As soon as I arrived the uniform was passed over along with the congratulations from the receptionist. I made my way to the car when I heard someone yelling my name.
"Tash! Hey wait up!"
I turned to the sound and noticed Kayden calling my name, he was one of my brother's friends who don't happen to talk to me very often.
"Hey Kayden what's up has Travis got detention or something?"
"Oh no he is on his way now I just wanted to give my congratulations for winning today. That schools supposed to be great." He said a bit flustered
"Oh... yeah I suppose it is that's why I want to go it will be a great opportunity for me."
"Yeah... yeah it will well I'm going to shoot I'll see you later bye Tash..."
I looked after he left and yelled to his retreating figure "bye Kayden!"
I saw Travis at his car waiting and made my way over, once inside he asked what Kayden had wanted.
"To say congrats as far as I know let's go home and have some pizza!" I reply excitedly.
The rest of the evening became quite a blur of congratulations and phone calls from relatives. By the time I hit the covers I was exhausted and couldn't help but think how my time at Whitecroft would be.