Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 5

Shaun's pov...

The science class had been going on now for an hour and a half. Only half hour to go then were all free from this subject!
Yet still all I could think about was the girl sitting on my right. Every movement that she made was like she too was in her own little world not noticing anything around her. Wow okay that sounds a bit stalkerish!
"...into partners please now!" the teacher had finished her sentence.
"Wait... hang on what was that?" I asked no-one in particular.
Tash cleared her throat "she said to get into partners for the project"
I turned to face her and couldn't help but loose myself in her green eyes. 'Ask her!' whoa okay what was that?! 'Your subconscious silly'
I opened my mouth to ask Tash to be my partner, but I noticed somebody was already at our desk talking to Tash.
"Sure Susan I would love to be your partner" Tash replied smiling.
"Really? Wow thank you Natasha"
"It's Tash and it's no problem really."
Susan walked away and once safely returned to her desk she turned to smile at Tash, Tash smiled and waved in return.
"Hey Shaun"
I turned my head to the person now standing in front of me.
"Hey Kate, what's up?" I asked
"Well sweetie I just wondered if you want to be partners?" She asked while fluttering her eyelashes at me.
Whoa hang on did she just call me sweetie?
"Erm, sure Kate, no problem"
Kate walked away with a gleam of achievement in her eyes. Soon after the teacher had asked everyone for their partner choices and everyone was free to leave.
As Tash and myself were packing away our things Susan walked over and began talking to Tash.
"Hey Tash, come with me you can hang out in our group if you like?"
Tash looked at her after closing her bag.
"Yeah, okay sounds good. Let me go find my locker and put away my things and then I'll come with you."
"Okay, well we will be waiting here for you." Susan replied.
Tash wandered around looking at a bit of paper and I followed.
"Hey Tash!" I shouted
She turned around and smiled
"Hey Shaun, you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm alrite do you need help finding your locker?"
Tash looked as though she was trying to decide if she wanted my help or not then replied "sure, why not." She handed me the piece of paper.
"Wow 212 your lockers right next to mine. Follow me." I began walking to my locker with Tash by my side, I couldn't help but look at her I wanted to ask her so many questions and yet I was too afraid to ask.
We walked along for a few mins and we came to the lockers.
"There you go Tash. Do you need help going back to science?"
"Thank you Shaun and erm yeah I guess so" She replied a bit hesitantly
"Okay. So what class have you got next?"
Tash looked down at the piece of paper in her hands and looked at me to reply.