Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 6

Tash's pov...

I looked at him and replied "I have double maths in room 15"
His face seemed to show something and he asked "hey can I look at your timetable? You seem to have a few classes with me."
I handed him my timetable over and he looked down at it. I couldn't help myself but I looked at him he was a typical popular boy. Even I knew he was popular. Typical blonde hair, blue eyes andmuscular. Well compared to his friends that is.
He looked back up at me from the piece of paper and he smiled.
"Well, it looks like you're in all of my classes. Well except for child development and dance that is, I mean you're even in my tutorial class."
I looked into his eyes and replied as sarcastically as I could manage "Wow that's amazing"
His eyes flashed in amusement and he began to laugh.
"Look, if you want to you can hang around with me and my group of friends if you want I'm sure that Ella would love another girl in the group."
I looked at him surprised.
"Shaun, I mean this very nicely but I don't want to. I know who you are in this school and I don't want to be part of that crowd. My schools popular group aren't your average group and I just don't want to get involved in those sort of situations. I'm sorry. Thanks for walking me to my locker and I guess I'llsee you in maths?"
He nodded his head and quietly asked "want me to walk you back to science you've only got 5mins to go before we have to get into lessons."
"Erm... sure I mean if you still want to you don't have to." I replied a little unsure.
He took my hand and began walking the way we came, I noticed he didn't let go of my had though. All the way back to the science block all I could think about the science lesson we had. How Shaun had not been listening through the entire lesson, had he always been that way?
We were back at science and my thoughts were intrrupted by a screeching noise.
"TASH! Where were you I was worried?!"
I covered my ears and squinted my eyes as Susan came closer to Shaun and myself. When she had finished she screeching I uncovered my ears and unsquinted my eyes and in the corner of them I noticed Shaun was laughing. Great.
"Sorry Susan I didn't think it would be a big deal I was finding my locker. Luckily Shaun was able to help me."
Susan looked at me and at Shaun and she gave an evil glare to Shaun.
"That's okay Tash I know that you wouldn't mean it but honestly did you have to bring him back with you?" She said with disgust in her voice.
Shaun's head turned towards her and his fists tightend, I knew if I didn't say something soon he would hit her.
"Look Susan I'm sorry and everything but Shaun helped me out. Don't get angry with him, if it wasn't for him I'd be lost by now. Anyway look I've got math with him now so were going to leave."
Susan looked at me again and nodded and I noticed the girls standing behind her.
"It was nice to meet you all and I'll see you all at lunch so we can meet properly."
They all nodded in agreement and they walked away.
I let out a sigh of relief and I felt eyes on me.
I turned to see Shaun staring at me in amasement.
"What?!" I asked irritated
"Nothing... let's go to maths"
Again in maths I got an assigned seat next to Shaun. This time I noticed evil gares I was getting from the girls in the class. I kept my head down and didn't draw attention to myself.
Lunch had finally arrived and I was sitting with my food with Susan and her friends who I now know. There was... Tilly, Carla, Abby, Lara and Emma.
Emma seemed the quiet one out of the group and funnily enough I managed to get a really good conversation going and we actually had things in common.
All while I was eating I still felt eyes on me. Everytime I looked up at the table just in front of ours I could see Shaun and his friends, it seemed as soon as I would look up he would look away. Well that was what Emma was telling me anyways.
We all made our way to P.E and after getting changed we were told that we had assigned partners. One guess who my partner was. Shaun.
He made his way over to where I was sitting on the grass and sat beside me. He turned to face me and asked the one question I had been able to avoid.
"So Tash fancy telling me about yourself?"
"What do you want to know?"
"Okay then..." I started to say but he interrupted me
"Actually can we do 20questions?"
I couldn't help it I laughed.
"Okay 1st question. Why did you want to come here?"
"It's a great opportunity."
"Right. 2nd question. What's it like at your home?"
"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled, what sort of question was that?
"As in who do you live at home with, what's your room like. Stuff like that."
"Oh okay then..."
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This chapter goes to Mystic Dreamer ..Thank you for the comment!..x