Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 7

Tash pov...

"Okay well, I live with my mum and brother and well my house you don't really know about that. It so isn't up to your standards." I replied.
Shock and hurt went across his features, he took a deep breath and carried on with the questions.
"I will find out you know. Okay number 3 how old is your brother?"
"Number 4, when's your birthday?"
"January 1st."
"Wow new year. Number 5, fav colour?"
"Erm, yellow I guess."
"Number 6, okay what's your fav band?"
"Well I have quite a few. Off the top of my head one of my fav's must be the all american rejects."
"Cool. Number 7" he looked at me "single or taken?"
Ilooked at him in surprise and replied "single."
He let out a breath, was it in relief?!
"Number 8, fav lesson?"
"Oh that's easy English"
"Alrite number 9..." Shaun started to say but the teacher intrrupted
"Okay everyone let's get going. Everyone let's start running, remember run with your partners until I blow the whistle"
We all started to run around the track, I was looking at my feet when I heard Shaun speak.
"We will finish the questions another day Tash."
I lifted my face to look at him and I noticed a grin on his face.
"Okay you're on" I replied smiling also.
The lesson finished quite quickly and we ended up running all lesson. Once we had all gotten changed we were free to leave. I was walking with Emma when a question I remembered popped into my head.
"Hey em, why did Susan react like she did when Shaun walked me back?"
Emma looked at me and smiled.
"Well, truth be told, she likes him she always has done but whenever she gets the courage to ask him he turns her down. Also no offence he never, and I mean never helps out the newbies. You should feel very privileged."
"Oh, so she think's I'm going to steal him from her? Also why doesn't he help newbies?"
Emma laughed "I think she does, I don't think you will try and steal him but she's always on guard. But with the helping newbies I have no idea. It's just something he doesn't do, maybe it's because he's part of the 'popular crowd' he thinks he shouldn't have to do it."
Well, that could be true.
"Hey if I tell you something can it just be between you and me?"
She looked at me and nodded while replying "sure, can I tell you something too?"
"Okay deal, well Shaun asked me to be in his 'crowd' as you call it, I said no"
Emma stopped walking her mouth fell open.
"OH EM GEE! Tash! You're joking!" She yelled.
I shook my head.
"God! That's like major for that to happen, he never does that either. Must be something special about you." She started to walk again and carried on talking "okay my thing,I'm glad you came to this school and made friends with Susan. I feel like you get me more than the others."
I nodded my head and said "I know what you mean babe."
Emma pulled out her phone from her pocket and handed it to me. I looked at her and her phone.
"Put in your number" She said with a tone that screamed 'duh!'
I pulled out my phone and handed it to her "you too" was all I said.
After we traded numbers and said our goodbyes I walked over to the driver.
"Good afternoon Miss. How was your day?"
"It was good thank you and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tash."
He laughed and opened the door for me, but as I was getting in I felt eyes on me I quickly scanned around and noticed no-one.
I got inside and the driver shut the door.
The ride home was quiet and we soon arrived home, the driver got out and opened my door and I stepped out while saying thanks.
"No problem Miss.... I mean Tash."
I walked to my door and opened it and turned around to make sure that the car had gone, but as I looked I saw a familiar face. I shrugged it off as the car pulled away.
Little did I know who was in that car.