Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 8

Tash's pov...

The next day I walked into school and 7 faces I recognised stood before me. Shaun and Susan were both looking at me aswell as the rest of the groups as I ran towards the 7 people screaming "OH EM GEE!"
I hugged them all and looked at their faces, each and every one.
"Omg, what are you all doing here?!" I asked.
"Free 1st period thought we'd come and see you and say hello" Kim said.
"And none of you mentioned this last night why?"
They all looked at each other and nodded and yelled in union "SURPRISE!"
Tears welled up in my eyes and Chris came over and hugged me tight in his arms and kissed the top of my head.
"Happy tears, I promise" was all I said and as soon as I was free Ethan ran at me, picked me up and twirled me around. Once I was safely on the ground again Ethan said "you don't know how much we miss you Tash"
I looked at them all. My best friends. They were all here to see me because they missed me.
"I miss you all so much too! But it's only been a day!" I said surprised.
"I know" Alyssa said sighing.
I laughed and walked over to hug her. My laughter soon faded as the bell rang, I gave them all one last hug and a kiss on the cheek each and promised to text them all.
I walked into the english room which luckily was near the front entrance. I know the rooms here are seriously messed up!
Yet again I was seated next to Shaun, but this time I noticed he was the one glaring at me.
"WHAT!" I whisper shouted.
He scoffed "single! Yeah right!"
I growled and surprise flashed across his face.
"Those were my friends you idiot. I do have them!" I growled the words out and I mean literally growled.
Shaun looked scared, who can blame him.
"But... but the one who kissed your head?" He said now sounding confused.
I sighed and replied "he is my best boy mate if you must know. We've been friends for years. Oh but I forget for boys like you, you can't just be friends with a girl can you!" I was now angry.
Realisation crossed his face and he faced the front without saying one more word to me.
English was a blur I hardly remember the lesson finishing I just remember being dragged and landing outside my ICT class. That was when I noticed Emma, I left the place I was standing to go and talk to her.
"We don't have assigned seats for this class do we?!" I practically begged.
"No" she laughed as a grin spread across my face.
"Want to sit with me Tash?" Emma asked.
My grin got wider as I replied "yes please, thank you hun."
The door opened and we made our way inside, we all took a seat and started to talk as the teacher loaded his own computer up and as ours did also.
Emma and myself were just talking about normal things that we haven't found out about each other yet when a shadow hovered over us both. I looked up to see... you guessed it Shaun.
"Yes?" I asked coldly
"Why don't you sit with me?" He asked undeterred by my coldness.
I looked at him and replied "no thank you I am sitting here with my friend." Once I had finished the sentence I turned to face my computer screen.
He crouched down to my level and said quietly "I'm sorry Tash"
At that I looked at him, in the corner of my eye I saw Emma's mouth wideopen.
"Pardon?" I asked polietly, smiling as I knew I could make him say it again.
"You heard!" He growled.
"Nope, I don't think I did" I said my smile growing wider.
He cleared his throat and took a deep breath "I said I'm sorry Tash." He restated a bit louder.
"Okay, I'm still not sitting with you."
He sighed in defeat and walked back over to his seat.
"Omg, Tash! You are like the next thing to popular" Emma said excited.
I looked at her the disgust evident in my face.
"I know, I know that isn't a good thing in your eyes." She said sighing.
I scoffed and said "Emma, I don't want to be popular. I never have done. I don't want to be part of that crowd. Just because 'Mr popular' decides that he want's to be my friend does not mean that I'm going to be walking over to the 'dark side'"
Emma started to laugh
"The 'dark side' how funny!"
The teacher cleared his throat and we were all told what we were supposed to do for the lesson. Half way through the lesson I thought of something.
"Hey Em"
"Yeah hun"
"Fancy coming over to mine we can go shopping and hang out?" I asked.
I nodded "Maybe you could stay aswell really make a night of it?"
"Wow, yeah that would be good. I've never been invited to something like this before. Can I go home and get some money and clothes?" She asked.
"Yeah of course, hey I'll get the driver to take us to yours okay?"
She nodded and smiled and we spent the rest of the lesson talking about what we could do.
It turned out that Emma was also in my R.E class. Luckily we didn't have assigned seats for that either so I sat next to Emma again. But yet again Shaun tried to get me to sit with him, and again it didn't work.
By the end of lunch we were about to go to the library when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see someone I didn't know.
"Can I help you?" I asked bewildered
"Yeah you can. Want to go out with me sometime?"
I looked at him and I wondered if he was popular as though she could read my mind Emma nodded her head.
"No thanks I don't go out with people like you."
Anger crossed his face.
"What do you mean people like me?"
I looked around to see Shaun looking over again. What is it with him and always staring at me.
"Popular people. I don't want to be part of that crowd. Also for all you know I could be taken."
He walked further towards me and I backed away. It carried on until I hit the wall. Shit nowhere to go.
The boy in front of me started to laugh. I looked at him like he was crazy.
He punched the wall next to my face and I flinched.
"Want to say a different answer?" He asked menace in his voice.
"Nope. Not at all. Looks to me like you have anger issues too."
"Tash!" Emma shouted rooted to the spot.
"Don't worry Em!" I shouted back
The boy pulled back his fist and he was tugged back from me. I took the advantage of someone helping me to kick the boy in his private area. He yelled out in pain and I took off running to Emma.
"You okay?" I asked her
She nodded her head and whispered "Shaun helped you."
I looked at her confused. "What?" I asked.
"He helped you this is major Tash!"
I looked over to where I ran from to see Shaun hovering over the boy. I ran back over to there and pulled Shaun away.
"Shaun stop dammit"
"Touch her or go near her and you will SO pay for it!" Shaun repeated.
He looked as the boy ran away and he turned to look at me.
"Erm, thanks Shaun. I owe you one"
He smiled "I'll hold you to that."
I walked away back to Emma who had decided to leave school for the free periods while I was gone.
We made our way to the car that had arrived for me. We both got in and headed to Emma's house.
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Ahh drama :D ..x