Boundaries?! Who needs them!

Boundaries?! Who needs them! 9

Tash's pov...

Once we had gathered Emma's things we made our way to my house, once there I looked around to make sure the car had gone before opening the door. Yet again, the same car as yesterday pulled past slower today than yesterday. I shook my head. God I must be going crazy!
Actually I thought "Hey Emma? See that car driving past do you know it?" I asked she turned around to look just as the car started to speed up.
She looked back her eyes widened.
"What?!" I asked
"That... that's Shaun's car." She replied.
"Erm, yeah babe that was his car. What's wrong?" She asked worriedly
"Damn. After I yelled at him yesterday he must have followed me home." I sighed "he was here yesterday too."
Thinking back a memory came back to me, when asking me about my house and family. 'I will find out you know' were his words. All because I wouldn't tell him about my house?!
Emma was still staring at me waiting for me to say something.
"In PE he wanted to know about my house. I told him it didn't matter because it wouldn't be up to his standards." I told her.
"Oh I see. So he wanted to know why you would tell him" she said matter of factly.
"Basically" I responded.
We walked into my house and made our way into my room, as soon as we got inside Emma gasped.
"OMG! Your room is beautiful!" She gushed.
Okay I have to admit my room is quite cool, considering we didn't have a lot of money. I had my mum's old double bed that was placed underneath the window so that the left side of the bed was by the wall. The walls were painted yellow from when I was little I had never had the feeling to change it as I got older, on the wall the opposite side my bed was on were picture's of my friends and myself as well as a wardrobe and chest of drawers. On the wall at the end of my bed was a tv/dvd combi as well as my cd's, dvd's etc. I had everything I ever needed in my room. My own little heaven.
"It's nothing like your's Em." I said a little sadness penatrating my tone. Emma walked over and hugged me, "Tash, your room is your personal sanctum. Just because mine is a little bigger doesn't mean a thing."
I looked at her and smiled.
"Hey fancy meeting my gang?" I asked
An hour and a half later after 7 long phone calls, we were all standing in the mall deciding where we should go first.
"I vote Primark!" Kim shouted
"River Island!" Alyssa yelled
I looked over at Emma who was busy chatting to Ethan.
"Hey Emma. Where do you want to go?" Chris asked.
She looked over and replied "wherever it's just nice to hang out with nice people for a change." She smiled as she finished her sentence.
Chris walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder. He then said into my ear "what about you Miss Simpson?"
I looked at him grinning "both."
We headed over to River Island first and I looked around, that's when I noticed Emma and Ethan holding hands.
I couldn't help a loud "awwww!" escaping my lips, which caused Kim and Alyssa to look at me. I pointed to Ethan and Emma and they said "awwww!" in union.
Emma turned around and noticed us looking and blushed, that's when I heard my name being called.
"Yo Tash!"
I looked around but I couldn't see anyone I knew.
"Tash! Over here!" The same voice yelled again.
Again I looked around totally confused. Then I spotted him. I smiled and told my friend's I would be right back. I walked over to where he sat and plopped myself down on the bench next to him.
"You are here why?" I asked
"Erm, not sure. Just meeting friends at the moment." He replied.
"Really" I said skeptically.
I took a deep breath and asked "Shaun." He looked at me and I continued. "Have you been following me?"
"Nope" he replied smiling
"Reeallyy" I said sarcastically
"Look. Okay, I admit it! I was curious when you wouldn't tell me about your house, and it fueled me into finding out." He looked down ashamed "I'm sorry Natasha but I swear I didn't follow you here!"
I smiled "It's okay. No harm done, just next time wait for me to tell you when I'm ready." A small giggle escaped my lips.
He started to laugh when a shadow hovered over us.
"Tash you okay?" Chris asked
I looked up and smiled bigger "yeah everythings good. Chris this is Shaun, Shaun this is my best friend Chris." I said introducing them.
"Nice to meet you." Shaun said while standing up and holding out his hand.
"You too" Chris replied while shaking Shaun's hand.
They let go and they both stood there awkwardly.
"Okay. Well, I better be going" Shaun said
"Okay, see you tomorrow French right?" I asked
"Yeah I'll save you a seat" He said smirking "bye Chris."
He walked away and headed towards a group that were by the elevator.He joined in the convertsation as soon as he was there I couldn't help but wonder who they were.