

Ryan’s POV

“Call me when you get there baby. I’ll be waiting,” William, my current fuck, said as I pulled my pants up from last night’s sexual endeavor.
“Yeah, alright,” I said as I walked out of the hotel bedroom door into the hallway.

If he honestly believes that I’m calling him he’s insane. I’m Ryan fucking Ross. I don’t do relationships.

I got to the elevator and hurridly stepped inside. I had an four hours before I had to get on a plane to go to fucking Colorado. It’s fucking cold there! I told then that I wouldn’t do any more on set places if it was below zero fucking degrees.

I got out and saw my assistant Jon Walker standing by the elevator with his arms crossed tapping his foot.
“Always punctual,” I said as I walked past him.
“So did you get some last night?” he asked as he raced to catch up with me.
“Do you really need to ask?” I smirked as I continued, never locking eyes with him.

I didn’t do formality. I’m Ryan Ross.
“You know one day this infidelity shit is going to get you in trouble one day,” he said.
“Ah, there it is, the guilt trip,” I said.
“I’m just saying,” he said.
“Always the thorn in my side,”
“Always the pain in my ass,”
“I don’t know what you’ve been drinking Walker, but I’m not the pain in your ass,” I said smartly.

Jon sighed as we made it out of the sliding doors and got into the limo.
“So what am I going to be doing in that god forsaken state?” I asked Jon.
“Well, the owner of this cabin wants you to just stay there and hang out,” Jon shrugged.
“No photos?” I asked.
“Well, there is one catch,” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“There’s a fieldtrip scheduled for-,”
“No, no, no,” I said, “stop the car! I’m getting out!” I shouted.
“No, no, Ryan you can’t. You’ve signed the contract already. It’s only for a week and they’re only high school students,” he said.
“Jon, high school was the four worst years of my life. If you were trying to persuade me you failed miserably,” I said.
“C’mon Ryan,”
“They’re only seniors!”
“Still no,”
“Why?!” he asked throwing his hands up.
“Honey, I’ve been out since the eighth grade. High school kids are high school kids, and after four years of that shit. I’m not going back to getting the shit beaten out of me by mindless jocks,” I said.
“They have requirements,” he said.
“Like what?” I asked.
“They had to have an overall GPA over 2.5,” he said.
“Great, nerds,” I sighed.
“C’mon Ryan. They’re all going to be out skiing, and if I know you well enough, which I do, you’ll be in the lodge sipping a cup of hot cocoa,” I said.
“Mm, Ryan does love hot cocoa,” I said.
“Alright then, not another word until we get there,” he said.
“Jesus Jon Walker where would I be without you?” I asked.
“I don’t know, and I honestly don’t care. The only thing that matters is that you’re at the airport in an hour.”

All business and no play makes Jon… uh, he’s an asshole he doesn’t deserve a limerick!
♠ ♠ ♠
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