

Ryan’s POV

I was laying in my bed, when all of a sudden I remembered the hot chocolate Jon had promised I would get when I got here, so I got up and walked down to the lobby just in time to catch the flood of high school kids getting off the bus.


They all came flooding in out of the cold talking to each other like, well, like high school kids.

I sighed and walked over to the stand where they were selling hot chocolate and other heated beverages. I saw that there was only one other guy standing in line.

He had about shoulder length brown hair, medium build, and a little bit taller than me.

I stood behind him as he ordered a cup of coffee.

He turned around and smiled politely at me.
“Hi, my name is-,”
“Don’t care,” I said to him, I then directed my attention towards the barista, “I would like a hot chocolate,” I said.

He gave me my drink, and that’s when I noticed the kid hadn’t moved when I told him to fuck off.
“What are you staring at?” I snapped as I turned around, not expecting a reply.
“The biggest fucking asshole I’ve ever fucking seen,” he said.

I turned around. He did not just talk back to me.
“What did you say?” I asked.
“Oh, was your ego in the way? Here I’ll say it again. You are the biggest asshole I have ever fucking seen,”
“Excuse me, do you know who I am?” I asked.
“Don’t know, don’t care,” he said as he started to walk away.

I always have to have the last word.
“Hey! Come back! I’m not finished with you!” I shouted.

I heard him laugh as he walked up the stairs to his room.

What are they teaching these kids?

I started to follow him up the stairs but was stopped halfway up the stairs by Jon.
“Hey, where are you going?” he asked.
“To go kick some little kid’s ass,” I said as I tried to pull out of his grip.
“Woah, woah,” he said, “wait a minute. Did you just say you were going to go beat up a kid?” he laughed.
“He was mean to me!” I said, exasperatedly.
“Did I just hear that correctly? Has Ryan Ross met his match? In a fucking High School kid?” Jon laughed.
“Shut the fuck up ok?” I said.
“Or what?” he asked crossing his arms.
“I’ll fire you,” I said.
“Like hell you would. What would you do without me?” he asked.
“I would-, well, I would-, FUN STUFF!” I said, “without you,” I said as I walked into my room.

There was another bag on the bed aside from mine, not one that I recognized as Jon’s either.

The bathroom door was closed and there was a light coming from under the crack.

I opened my door and almost ran headfirst into Jon.
“There’s someone else in my room,” I whispered.
“Oh yeah, they overbooked. They hoped someone wouldn’t show up. I didn’t want to room with you, so I put your name on the list of people who would be up for a roommate,” he smiled, “have fun.”
“Ugh!” I groaned as I slammed the door.

“Hello?” the person asked from the bathroom as they opened the door.
“Oh, no,” I said as the boy from earlier came out of the bathroom.
“Great,” he said, “who are you anyway?” he asked.
“I’m Ryan Ross! Male model,” I said.
“You’re sort of short for a model aren’t you?” he asked.
“And you’re a little gay for a nerd,” I said.
“So what if I am?” he asked, “at least I’m not a fucking ‘male model’,” he said.
“You’re gay?” I asked.
“Yeah. What’re you going to do about it?” he asked.
“Well, at least now it won’t be as awkward after I fuck you,” I said.

I wasn't attracted to him, at all, but I can't go a week without sex! My balls will fall off.
“I am not having sex with you,” he said.
“Not now. Later, but trust me. I will fuck you,” I said.
“When pigs fly asshole,” he said.
“You fly?”

Good one Ross.
♠ ♠ ♠
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