


Prom was supposed to be one of the happiest times in your life. Going with your girlfriends to find the perfect dress and waiting for the right guy to ask you to be his date. Well For me I had the perfect dress, it was a deep champagne color with a slit up the side, and I had the perfect guy. The only problem was that that said guy couldn't be here with me to enjoy the evening.

I remember when he asked me too.

~Flashback 2 weeks earlier~

The day started off horribly it was rainy and I was running late. I grabbed a pass from the office and headed to my first class. I hurried into the class and handed my teacher the pass before turning and looking at my seat. Sitting there was a puzzle piece about the size of a postcard. I looked at it confused. All it said was 'WILL'. I didn't know what to make of it so I decided to let it go.

In my next class there again was a puzzle piece, the only difference was that this one said 'YOU'. And as I went about my day I got a puzzle piece in every one of my classes. By the time my last class rolled around I had acquired 6 pieces to the puzzle. I sat in my desk and put the together. So far it said 'WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH' but that was it. I didn't know who it was from so I didn't know who was asking me.

I walked to my car with my girlfriend Hayden, we were talking about all the possible people it could be. I had a lot of guy friends but I had one hope of who it could be. I wasn't really looking at were I was walking.

"Olivia look." Hayden said.

I looked up to see Kennedy leaning against my car with a dozen lilies in a shirt that said 'ME?' on it. My heart skipped a beat, he was the one I was hoping this was all from. I walked up to him and didn't say anything I just nodded my head yes and kissed his lips lightly.

~End Flashback~

It was hard to believe that when he sat me down a few days ago that my dream prom was coming to a halt. Kennedy's Band ended up booking a show on the same night as prom. I was crushed, and Kennedy wouldn't stop apologizing. I knew that I couldn't be mad at him. Playing music was his dream and I knew that they were going to be big one day.

I looked around the dance floor as the fast song I had been dancing to with some friends ended and everyone found their date when a first riffs of 'I Don't Want To Miss a Thing' came on. I felt lame, it was my senior prom and here I was in the middle of the dance floor by myself as I watched everyone around me dance.

"May I have this dance?"" I heard someone say from behind me.

I spun around and there stood Kennedy. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a button down plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was slightly matted to his head from sweat. He looked undeniably sexy.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a show tonight." I said to him.

"Well I got there and I started thinking. I am here when I could be dancing the night away with a gorgeous girl that I really like. I ran the whole way here." He said as he put his hands on my waist and pulled me to him.

"Don't you think that the guys are going to be mad at you for ditching the gig?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I didn't really think about what the guys would do, but if they have a problem with me going to my senior prom then I don't care. I know I did the right thing." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

Little electric shocks ran through my body as we swayed to the music. I felt bad that he ditched the guys and the gig for me but I also was glad he did because it ending up with me getting the dance I wanted with the guy I really liked. It wasn't really how I imagined my senior prom going but I wasn't the most conventional girl and for me it was perfect.
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This is my first oce shot so I hope its not to bad. let me know what you think.