Lullabye's Story


Narrator’s View

Michel and his family had lived in Shadows for twenty years. They never had to worry about falling in love. Michel, his sisters: Ally and Elizabeth, and his brother in-laws: Jesse and Josh kept to themselves. They were getting along great until a new girl moved to town. This girl was very beautiful, and she quickly got noticed by all the guys, even Michel. However she kept to herself, always talking very softly if she talked at all.
The family began to worry about Michel. They tried to explain that she is just a mortal, but he argued that there was something different about her. The next day Ally and Elizabeth set out to see what was so different about her. When they got to school they found her sitting alone, like always, but she looked even sadder than usual, and she had lots of marks on her.
A worried Ally and Elizabeth went to talk to her. “Hi, I’m Ally and this is my sister Elizabeth. What’s your name,” Ally asked.
The girl reply with a little smile and said, “I’m Lullabye, nice to meet you.”
Ally and Elizabeth also smiled a little and said, “Would you like to hang out with us. We’re all in the same classes and maybe you can come over after school.”
Lullabye said, “Sure we can hang out all day, but if I don’t go home they’ll look for me, and this will get worse.” She gestured towards her marks.
Ally and Elizabeth said, “Why don’t you tell someone.”
Lullaby frowned and said, “Who can protect me from my father who is the devil’s son or my mother who is supposed to be good, but hates me. No one can protect me from my parents. One a demon, the other a witch, not even my sisters who know little about me can help.” Ally and Elizabeth hadn’t realized that Michel, Josh or Jesse was close enough to hear, but all of a sudden Lyllabye jumped in fear as they got closer.
When she jumped Ally turned to see them, and she hissed, “If you don’t go away you’ll pay.”
Lullabye said, “No it’s not them. They are your family I sensed about three demons who are all my exes and they are not happy.” As soon as she finished what she was saying the guys she was talking about came up to her and grabbed her, but let go when they realized the whole school had noticed them.
They said in a chilling voice, “You’ll pay for this.”
Lullabye laughed and said, “I’ve beaten you all once, and I can do it again. Now get lost losers!” “
Ally said as they went inside, “Please come home with us?” “Lullabye said, “We’ll see.”
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