Boarding school will never be boring

Past that stage.

The girls pushed me past the double doors of the hall, and I stumbled a little. Smiling, I stood up straight, and secretly smacked Cara. She smiled but rubbed her arm; I smiled back and sat down in my normal spot.

The boys entered a few minutes later, and out of habit I ran a hand through my hair. Cara leaned over and grabbed my hand, “You’re fine, just breathe.” I took a deep breath and

“You’re right, I’m fine.” I looked over and couldn’t help but smile when Brandon walked in the hall joking with Alex.

He looked up and smiled before looking down and laughing at Alex. Brandon walked to my side of the table, the chair to my right, and sat down. He leaned over, kissed my forehead, and smiled.

“Hey,” I knew I had a smile on my face, but so did he.

“Hey you how was the rest of your afternoon?”

“It was boring compared to earlier.” He grinned, pulled the napkin off the table, and pushed it onto his lap.

“Well that’s a good thing, right?”

“I would hope so.”

“Then we’ll both agree it was a very good thing.”

“Indeed.” I leaned over and pulled some grapes out of a bowl and threw one into my mouth.
The juice rolled down my throat, until that moment I didn’t notice my throat was dry out of nerves.

I could feel a hand on the back of my chair and I smiled. Dean Lewis was explaining the upcoming events for the week, but my mind wouldn’t allow me to pay much attention.

The hand caught a piece of hair and started to aimlessly twirl it. I leaned closer to the arm that the hand belonged, and rested my body on their arm. I could feel them move so they could support my body and I looked over.

Brandon smiled down at me and flashed his eyes back to the dean. I turned and tried to gather the last bit of information before we were excused.

“Good night and have a wonderful week.” Well there went that, I went to push my chair back when Brandon pulled it out and took my hand. I squeezed it, and we pushed our way out of the hall.

Our friends were waiting outside for us, and Cara grinned when she saw us. I completely forgot we were holding hands, it felt natural to me.

- - - - -
“We’re going for a walk.” I decided and looked down at Elaina to make sure it was okay. She looked up and smiled, she nodded and waved to the girls. We headed right instead of left, taking us to the hill.

“So I’m glad we didn’t have the awkward stage again.”

“What awkward stage?” I asked looking at her. She smiled, pushed her blonde hair behind an ear, and looked at me.

“You know the stage where people act awkward after they kiss. Like the first time that we kissed.”

“Oh right, that stage. Yeah well I like you so…”

“You like me?” She asked, stopping mid-way up the hill.

I laughed and nodded. “I thought that would be obvious by now.”

She blushed, shrugged, and we continued up the hill.

I sat down against the tree, and patted the patch of grass between my legs. She sat down and scooted back until her back hit my chest. She relaxed after a minute and let out a sigh.

“What was that for?” I asked pushing her hair away from her face.

“It was a relaxed sigh. It wasn’t bad.”

“Alright good,” She smiled and returned facing the world.

- - - - -
As I could see Pumberton in clear view, I started to wish that the night was not over. But we both had work to finish, and it was getting to curfew. I turned towards Brandon and looked up at him.

He’s eyes were glowing with happiness, which light a spark inside of me. I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed my forehead and I rested back against my

“Thanks for tonight,” I said as I started to release my hold on him.

“Anytime, and I mean that.”

“Good, I might take that offer.” He nodded and smiled before turning around. Before he got to far I pulled my phone out and sent a quick message his way.

Just so you know, I like you too.
Night! ☺
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I just realized I missed a chapter.
It's called [i[Kiss and tell so go read it please!

