Boarding school will never be boring

New Gossip on the wall.

“So you’re a couple and you didn’t tell me?” Cara asked as she walked out of the bathroom Monday morning.

“Uh no? Who told you that?” I buttoned my shirt and turned to face her. She had a towel wrapped around her hair, her shirt on but unbuttoned, and her skirt in perfect place.

“No one, I just heard people talking. I didn’t think you’d start to date without telling me.”

“Of course not, great. Brandon hates rumors,” I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

“Don’t stress, look he probably hasn’t heard anything yet. Why are you freaking?”

“Cause, we finally told each other we fancy one another, I don’t want anything in my way.” I put on a necklace before slipping on some black boots.

“Nothing will happen, watch go down to the hall and you’ll see his adorable smiling face.” I smiled, grabbed my bag, slipped on a coat, and headed down the hallway. I pushed open the door once I hit the bottom floor and stopped.

Brandon was standing against the wall and smiled when he saw me.

“Good morning beautiful.”

“Morning Brandon.”

“May I walk you to breakfast?”

“Of course,” I smiled and slipped my hand into his waiting one. His hand was warm and instantly warmed my skin. I squeezed his hand; he looked down at me before smiling and kissing my forehead.

As we walked towards the hall for breakfast we spoke of our homework and classes for the day. When we reached the double doors, he held one open for me, and was once again by my side to take my hand. I liked this Brandon, he often seemed nervous to be around me, but this boy next to me knew exactly what was going on.

The second we sat down, it all went downhill. All morning people shot us glances, some gave him the thumbs up, some whistled. I knew what was going on, but Brandon still hadn’t noticed. But we can all thank Alex for sharing the good news to him.

“Hey mate, why are people starring at you two?” I looked at Cara, whose eyes were as wide as mine.

“Hey Bran, I forgot something in my dorm, will you come with me?”

“Hold on and I’ll go.” He smiled and I gave him a weak smile. “What do you mean Alex?”

“Everyone has been starring at you two. Hey mate,” he said grabbing a random boys sleeve. “Why is everyone starring at these two?” He asked pointing at us.

“Oh, they’re dating.” He scurried off; I put my hands over my face and couldn’t breathe.

“What?” Brandon asked beside me. “What does he mean El?”

“I don’t know, honestly.”

“Sure.” Brandon got up and left the room.

“Thanks Alex.” I said before rushing after Brandon.

- - - - -
“Brandon!” I ignored Elaina’s voice and kept walking to my first class.

“Brandon stop, I didn’t do anything!” I stopped and turned and walked back to her.

“Sure El, why does everyone think we’re dating then?”

“How would I know? Cara asked me this morning and I said no we weren’t. She told me that’s what she heard.” Her eyes show sadness but my ego wouldn’t allow me to take this simple excuse.

“Why don’t you believe me?” She asked as her voice rose a little at the end of her sentence.

“You know I hate rumors, and liars.”

“I’m not lying! Why would I do two things that you hate?” She asked throwing her arms out. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Fine Brandon don’t believe me, but consider what I told you last night. Because right now my feelings are changing.” She headed to the quad and darted across it, straight for Pumberton.

Bloody hell, what now?

- - - - -
Ignoring my instincts telling me to go to class, I pulled my comforter over my head and slammed my eyes shut. I was trying to make this day come to an end, and hiding sounded like a good plan to me.

“El, are you alright?” Cara asked as she softly closed the door.

“No, Brandon’s an arse. I can’t believe I told him I liked him!” I said throwing my blanket off of me and onto the wooden floor.

“He’s just being stupid.” Cara reasoned.

“I don’t care, he’s an arse! He wouldn’t believe me, I almost cried!” I sat back down and hid my face.

“I don’t want to talk to him anytime soon.”

“El, you don’t mean that.”

“Yes I do. Take my phone,” I threw the phone at her, and went back to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I kind of hate this chapter.
Oh well.
Next one is better, promise.

Favs :)
JMae94, and RayNikFar17.
Thanks girls, you're awesome.

Comment please!