Boarding school will never be boring

Good news and some good food.

I zippered up my suitcase and sighed. It was not budging. Cara walked in laughing, Alex right behind her. I looked up and smiled.

Ever since Brandon and I got together a few weeks ago, they’ve been spending time together. Which was perfect, we were trying our hardest to get them together.

“Oh hey El. Still not getting it closed?”

I blew the bangs out of my face and sighed.

“No, Alex be a mate and close this.” He smiled and pushed on it, sliding the zipper with ease.

“Why are you girls bringing so many things home?”

“It’s our summer clothes, stuff we can’t wear.” Cara said picking up her purse. I nodded and smiled when the door opened to reveal Darla and Brandon.

“Your knight in shining armor is here!” He walked to me and kissed me softly before picking up my bags. “Geez, babe, these are heavy.”

I smiled sweetly and looked up at him. I rubbed my hand along his arm and he smiled. “But you’re so strong.”

Alex laughed across the room and Brandon winked. “You’re right,” I leaned up and kissed him.

“Let’s head home!” Kaylee exclaimed entering the room. I smiled and nodded. Everyone left the room, I locked the door, and off into the cool air we went.

“I’m home!” I yelled as I closed the door behind me. Brandon smiled and took my hand as we headed to the living room. We walked into the room to see my parents on the couch reading; they both looked up and smiled when we entered.

My mum’s eyes suddenly zoomed in on our hands; she smiled and jumped up. Hugging us she smiled, “Hello you two.”

“Afternoon Mrs. Donnelly.” My mum smiled and hugged him.

“Ah, Brandon, hello m’boy.” My father stood and they shook hands. He then leaned over and hugged me.

“Will you be joining us for dinner Brandon?”

“No, I just thought to come over and say hello. I must be heading back home.” I smiled at him and looked back at my parents.

“Oh well tell your parents we must meet up for dinner. Tomorrow night!” My mum exclaimed. I smiled and nodded.

“Of course Mrs. Donnelly. Well I will see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you for bringing her home to us.” I took Brandon back to the door and smiled up at him.

He leaned down and lightly touched my lips with his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his went around my waist. “Don’t leave just yet.”

He laughed and looked at me. “You know I wish I could stay. I have to go home for a little while.” I sighed and nodded my head.

“Call me later?”

“Of course my dear.” I leaned up and kissed him once more.

As I unpacked my clothes my door opened and I turned to see my mum. She smiled and sat on my bed watching me for a moment.

“So you and Brandon are adorable.”

“Mum, don’t make this more than it is. We’re dating, we’ve only been together a month. If that.” I put my shirt on a hanger and proceeded to my closet.

“What, all I said is that you two are cute. Am I not allowed to comment on my daughter?”

“You are, but I know you. You will turn this into a much bigger thing.” She flicked her hand into the air to get rid of the idea.

“No such thing, but I’ll leave you to unpacking.” I rolled my eyes at her retreating figure and finished unpacking when a text message sent out a loud alert.

[i[Be ready at midnight.

I smiled and began to count down the minutes in my head.

At 11:45, I slid on a hoodie, and slipped on some shoes. I pushed my cell phone into a pocket. At midnight exactly a rock hit my window. I smiled and pushed back the drapes and slid my window open.

“Come down here,” Brandon yelled/whispered.

“So romantic,” I said with sarcasm. He shrugged and I smiled before closing the window and sneaking down the staircase.

I slipped out the back door and put myself into Brandon’s arms. He wrapped his arms my waist and lifted my feet of the ground. He pushed his lips onto mine and I felt myself melt.

“Is that romantic?”

“Thanks for ruining it.” I kissed his chin and he smiled. He took my hand and led me around the house. Our gazebo suddenly had lights surrounding it. I smiled and looked up at Brandon.

“I love it,” he nodded and he led me up onto the wooden surface. We sat along the wooden benches and Brandon’s body kept me warm.

“So I bet your mum was ecstatic when you told her the news.” I said looking up at him. He smiled and kissed my temple.

“Of course she was. She loves you, sometimes I believe she loves you more than myself.”

I laughed and shook my head. “That’s not true love, you know that.”

“I know, I know.” He rubbed my arms and I snuggled into his chest.

Soon the sky was beginning to lighten, we both stood and stretched. Once we made it do the door, he lightly kissed my lips, and snuck off.

After making it safely to my room, I sighed and felt my heart rate slow to it’s normal speed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wish a boy would do that for me.
(: Which is why I write about it.
I don't have too much of this written after this point, so this story might take a little longer to get sent out.
But I'm leaving again tomorrow so i'll try and write while I am gone!

Favorite commenters!
RayNikFar17 and JMae94.
(: Thanks again!