Boarding school will never be boring

Some peace and quiet...for now.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate before opening my history book. My phone buzzed with excitement next to me, ending the sentence I was reading.

I spy with my little eye someone who looks like they could use a break.

I smiled, looked around, and put my book on the table before standing up. I walked past the stairs, towards the bookshelves.

I felt hands on my hips, a hot breath on my neck, and shivers down my body. “Need a study break?”

“Only if the the break is with you.” I turned around and smiled. I hugged him and we headed back towards the spot we sat in. He helped me pack my stuff up and we left the safety of the warm atmosphere. The crisp air smacked my face and hands.

“So night last…”

“I’m so sorry. I had to make sure Cara was alright.” I said as I pushed my hands into my pockets. His arm bumped into mine and he smiled.

“I know it’s fine. I was just wondering if she was alright.”

“Yeah, she’s just not great with relationships.” Brandon looked at me and urged me to continue.

“Well her last boyfriend Todd cheated on her then denied it. Two months later Cara saw it firsthand, with her cousin of all people.”

“Ouch,” I nodded and pushed myself up the hill.

“How’s Alex?” I asked once we both sat down on the green grass.

“Eh, confused.”

“I told Cara to talk to him, but you know you can’t force someone to do something.”

“Would it be force if I kissed you right now?”

- - - - -
I unlocked the door, and my smile vanished, and my happiness flew out the open window. Alex was hunched over his desk, doing homework. Which, he never ever does. I sighed, closed the door behind me, and dropped my jacket onto my chair.

“Mate, cheer up.”

“How? The girl I fancy ran out when I told her. That must mean she doesn’t like me. Or maybe she was embarrassed by me.”

“She’s not, trust me.”

“Wait, do you know something?”

I ran a hand through my hair and met his eye. “I can’t say; all I can tell you is to wait a bit longer. She will come around.”

His head fell a little, but he looked back up and nodded. “Alright, if you say so man.” He turned around and sat on his bed. “Now why were you so happy when you walked in?”


- - - - -
“Oh bloody hell, stupid door.” I pushed with all my might and the door swung open to reveal a surprised Cara sitting at her desk. Her eyes were wide with surprise, and her mouth was slightly agar.

“You’re a strong girl aren’t you?”

“Oh Cara you will never guess what happened.” I pushed my wind-blown hair from my face and fell on my bed. I was out of breath from running into the dorm from the quad, and up three flights of stairs.

“What happened?” She asked with a smile, I was about to tell her the story when Kaylee, Darla, and Lily pushed our door open. They all filed in and sat along the two beds.

“We heard you bang your door open, we thought something important was happening.” Kaylee exclaimed.

“So yes, carry on with what you were saying.” Cara urged sitting on the edge of her wooden chair. I smiled, sat up, and pushed my hair behind my ears.


- - - - -
“You asked her that?” Alex asked with huge eyes, and a smile adorning his face. I smiled nodded, and shook my head.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it either.”

“I thought for sure a girl like Elaina would smack any other bloke.”

I laughed and agreed. “Well, she didn’t hit me, in fact, she leaned over and kissed me.”

“No way mate, she leaned over and kissed you just like that?”

“Just like that,” I said with a snap of my fingers. “Trust me when I say I’m just as surprised as you.”

He whistled, leaned back on two legs of the chair, and put his hands behind his head. “Well what happened after that.”

- - - - -
“He smiled, asked me if that actually happened. Which made me think he was kidding around. I went to get up, apologizing a million times and-“

“Wait, you apologized?” Lily asked. Her mouth was open like she wondered why on earth I would do such a thing. I nodded and pushed my bangs away.

“Yeah, I thought he didn’t actually want to kiss me. You know like ha-ha just kidding?”

“Yeah right! Brandon can’t refuse you!” Darla exclaimed, blushed for her outburst, and smiled.

“SO continue!” Cara said squirming in her seat, she was never one for being patient with stories.

- - - - -
“She tried to get up and leave, so I grabbed her hand, spun her around, and pushed my lips to hers.” I said standing up and throwing my arms in the air.

“Bloody brilliant. I must clap for you.” He said standing as well and clapping. I smiled and he patted my shoulder. “It’s like one of those stories, you know romance bits that never happen,
well if you’re a lucky bloke like yourself.”

I grinned and looked outside, people were still mulling around, since the sun was still set on the horizon.

“SO what are you going to do now?”

- - - - -
“Brandon’s such a gentlemen!” I blushed and played with the hem of my shirt. I nodded and lay back closing my eyes.

The events still fresh on my mind made me want to re-live those moments all over again.

“Well what’s going to happen at dinner?”

I shrugged but sat up and smiled. “One’s things for sure. I hope he kisses me like that again.” We all busted out in giggles and I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright last chapter I'm reposting!