

It was so ridiculous how he carried me through the line at lunch, and ordered exactly what I wanted (as if he could read my mind!) and paid for it all too. We sat down at the table where my friends and his friends were at. You couldn’t miss them, because it was the only table with a birthday cake and tons of presents!!!! My girls- Renate, Margie, Carina, and last but not least Leena, all greeted us with a “Happy Birthday!” chorus and then made it their own. Or should I say Carina made it her own little song, she was the only one singing “Happy birthday to you, you live in the zoo! You look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!!!”
Then everyone busted out laughing. I started to eat when all of a sudden I felt sleepy, so I laid back against Dereko’s cool chest and it felt like the first night I dreamed of him.

* * * * * *

“Natallia, I have to leave you soon. I don’t want to hurt you, but please forgive me….” Somebody said in a dark room.
“My head hurts, and I feel like crying!! Where am I?” I shouted back. “Help! Help! I’m scared! Someone answer me!” I screamed louder. I broke off into a sob. I was alone. It was no longer the calm, familiar room I was in before. Now it was an unfamiliar dark room and it was very quiet, too quiet. I was sitting in a spotlight, looking out in to the crowed of … darkness. I was alone. Everyone left me alone, a hole deep in my chest was re-opened.
I got up and wandered, looking for someone, anyone who was here. I recalled and remembered what this pain in my chest was. It had happened to me before, it was when my parents were on vacation and my friends and I had a fight, that’s when I felt alone. Same as now…… My worst nightmare….


“Wake-y! Wake-y!!! Come on, sleepy head, wake up!!!” cooed Dereko.
“What period are we in?” I asked, trying to snap out of my trance.
“We’re in 5th period. You decided to take a nice little nap during lunch.”
“I sleep through lunch?” I questioned, continuing in the same breath.
“Did you guys open my presents? And if you did, then what did you all get me?!”
“They got you clothes, shoes, a cell phone cover, and Carina, for some crazy reason got you a multi-colored jump rope that lights up. Then there were the decorations, along with the cake.” he told me, walking out the school’s main exit.
Our date went well, we went to the street carnival. He won me a over stuffed pink and green panda teddy-bear. I loved it!!! Then I bought him a pink, yes pink choker from the hot topic store that was open. We both named the panda, fluffi because it was cute yet unusual.
Both of us walked home again but this time it felt different. We were talking about superheroes, and then I brought up Superman.
“So what do you think about Superman?”
He accidentally said, “Yeah, I think my Dad’s doing a great job, and my Mom is really pretty!”
“What?!” I exclaimed, realizing what he just said.
“Um…. Nothing, just kidding?” he said cupping his mouth with one hand.
I then saw he was turning red and that where he was staring, there were flames.
“Run!!” I yelled at him but he simply blew on it and it went out. I looked at him, mystified and then he just shrugged.
He led me to a roof top and then we talked about birthdays and family stuff. Dereko told me his birthday (February 22), his Mom (Louis Kent), Dad (Clark Kent… weird) and his evil twin brother that lives on the other side of the world!!! Just kidding! About the last part, anyway. I leaned back and forth on the edge of the roof. Biggest mistake of my freaking life!!!
As I rocked the wind blew and I…lost my balance. I flew over the edge of the eight stories high building and closed my eyes for I knew my life was over.
Then I stopped and felt someone holding me. I opened my eyes and saw Dereko holding me and ….flying me.
“You weren’t lying when you implied that you were Superman’s son, were you?”
He looked past my face and shook his head and said, “I am who I am. I am Dereko Kent not Mozkevez.”
“So your like that dude from Smallville, the red-blue blur?” I asked out of stupidity.
“Yup! Except I have more awesome-er powers!” he answered in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Cool!!!! My boyfriend is a superhero!!!! Oooh! Can you take me to the moon?” I exclaimed.
He let me babble on for about five more minutes. Then shushed me by saying, “You really don’t have a problem with this?”
I nodded and thought that he was being ridiculous and said, “Why would I have a problem with having a superhero for a boyfriend?”
He shrugged at first then realized I called him my boyfriend.
“I’m your boyfriend?” he asked, surprised.
I gave him a ‘duh!’ look and afterwards inquired, “So then you don’t like me?” and pouted.
He looked at me wide eyed and shook his head furiously. So that’s that, I’m now a superhero’s girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
again short but thanks 4 the time