Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

On to Hogwarts.

We were in platform nine and three quarters, and there was a huge train in front of us.

Hermione was going with me to be a tutor. So we were both getting goodbye hugs from everybody.

George and me were a little away from everyone when he hugged me. "I'm going to miss you," he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I gripped him as tight as I could. "I'm going to miss you, too, George."

He let go of me. "So... I wanted to ask you something... concerning us."

I suddenly grew nervous. "What about 'us?'"

He pulled his hand behind his neck. "I was wondering... um... if we could... uh... make it a bit more... official?"

"You do?" I said, giving him a small smile. "Like, as in you want me to be your girlfriend."

"Kinda," he said with a slight smile, his hand still behind his neck.

I feigned offense. "Kinda? What do you mean by that?" I asked, then jumped behind him and onto his back. "You gotta make up your mind, sweetheart."

He laughed. "Yes, that's what I mean." Then he stopped laughing. "What's your answer."

"Kinda," I said with a laugh. He glared at me. Then grabbed my hands and held them. "Yes," I said with a smile. He smiled after me and I jumped down. I put my attention on everyone else who had there eyebrows at raised. Me and George looked at each other and laughed.

Hermione reminded me we were going to leave in five minutes.

I hugged George one more time, and he surprised me by kissing me on the lips. That left me blushing bright red as Harry and Ron started to make fun of us.

Then I made my way to Draco. He looked upset, but I supposed it was because it would be the last time we saw each other until, if things go well, school ended. Unfortunately, his sadness was a little contagious. I hugged him close to me. "I'm going to miss you, Dray."

He sounded about ready to cry. "I'm going to miss you, too. Be careful. Guys are jerks, and..." he hugged me closer to him. "Don't go near that damn tree right outside the school. It'll kill you in a heart beat." I held him closer to me. "Be safe."

He had made me start crying. "I will Draco." Just then Hermione called me for us to leave, and I reluctantly got on the train.

After a few long hours, we stopped. "We're here," Hermione said. We got off the train, where we were met by a tall, elegantly dressed woman.

"Hello, Miss Riddle," the woman said to me, "I am Professor McGonagell, the Headmistress at this school. I will be the one teaching you until your examination."

"Nice to meet you," I said to her.

She smiled slightly. "Nice to meet you as well. Well, let's get to the castle." Then the professor led us to a horse-less carraige and we all got into it and it began moving.

Once I saw the castle, I was speechless. It was georgous in under the nearly nighttime sky. I knew my eyes had widened as I tried to keep my jaw from dropping to the ground.

I looked at Hermione after my initial shock. She was smiling at my amazement. I blushed slightly.

We finally got to the castle, and Professor McGonagell lead us to what she called the great hall. It was huge inside, and all that was in there was a small dining table.

"Usually the hall is filled with four long tables, one for each of the houses," Professor McGonagell said to me, "but since it's just the three of us, I thought it might be more sensible to be simple."

I grinned and nodded my understanding. All three of us sat and ate a delicious meal.

"So, when is she going to be sorted?" Hermione asked Professor McGonagell.

"I thought the best time to do it would be the night before school starts and after she's taken the examinations. From what the ministry had told me, I highly doubt she won't pass her exams, but until that time she'll be staying in the Gryffindor dormitories with you," she looked at me and smiled. "Then you'll be ever to sit with the house you're sorted into like a regular fifth year the next night."

I was sure my excitement was showing through my expression. The future looked bright for me.

After dinner we made our way up to the Gryffindor dormitories. Once we got passed the portrait, we just sat in front of the fire.

Hermione looked around. "It feels so strange here, being here with absolutely nobody in the common room."

I grinned. "It's strange without Draco being here. Just us two girls. You know we've never been together without George or Draco."

She laughed. "Yes, we haven't had and intelligent conversation either because of that." We both laughed.
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Guys, I just realized I have six freakin' stars. Hope my case of writer's block didn't mess it up.