Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

First Day of School!


It was the first of September, and I was on my way to Hogwarts in a completely different way than usual.

As I was on the train, I noticed the glares. They knew what I did, the association I had with the dark lord before he died.

I didn’t care. I was on cloud nine.

Ron, Harry, and I all sat together with Ginny in the train compartment. With Ron and Harry, it got pretty crazy, but it was fun.

Most of the time I was thinking about seeing Ellena’s face. I hoped she would be surprised to see me.

I happened to be thinking about just that when I heard Harry say, “Why do you keep eating those… why did you even bring them?” He was looking at Ron with and eyebrow raised.

Ron, who was beside me, was holding a tissue to his nose. He looked across from him at Harry and said, “Well, Hermione, I have to endorse my brother’s products.”

“And the reason he keeps eating them is because he never pays attention,” Ginny said behind a magazine. She put down the magazine for a second, then said, “We’re here!” She put the magazine away, muttering something about needing to get away from her brother, boyfriend, and their friend.

The train stopped and we all rushed to get to the carriages.

As we were on the carriage, Ginny said, “I wonder what house Ellena will be in.”

I hadn’t really thought about it, but that suddenly made me wonder. Ellena hadn’t said anything about when she’d be sorted or if she had been sorted. We all did know she would have to be sorted. That was a definite factor. Either way, we knew that we would know what house she’d be in-- or is in- soon, because the carraige, pulled up to the castle.

We all rushed up the stairs to see the answer to the question that formed over the carriage ride. We walked into the Grand Hall together and past the Gryffindor table to the aisle between the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables. That’s when we halted.

No one was sitting at the Slytherin table. It was so strange, we just had to take a moment to let it sink in.

“That’s so… unusual,” Harry said. “Did we kill all the death eaters?”

“I’m sure you didn’t,” I said, knowing what probably happened, “Several of them probably fled during the battle.”

Harry, Ron, and Ginny looked at me. “But wouldn’t they have gotten caught, too?” Ginny asked, “If they used magic, the ministry would have detected it.”

“Exactly,” I said, “But some of them aren’t stupid. They’re probably living lives as muggles.”

“Some would be willing to do that?” Ron asked as we started heading up the aisle so they could find a seat.

I nodded. “They know he’s dead and that they have no chance,” I said.

“Well, I don’t see Hermione,” Ginny said. They chose the seats they wanted, along with a couple of extra spaces for Hermione and, just in case, Ellena. I sat across from them at my table.

Harry looked at me with a smile on his face. “Hey, Draco, why don’t you save a place for Ellena.”

I laughed, knowing what he was doing, then looked up and down the table. “I think I’m covered.” All four of us laughed.

We got to talking about things, almost forgetting about Ellena and Hermione. The last few people were trickling into the dining area when Ellena and Hermione walked in. Harry called to Hermione and waved her over, and so they walked to the aisle. We were about halfway into the hall, but I could still see Ellena stop for a second, then run at top speed toward me. I stood, expecting a hug.

She reached me in a few seconds, then jumped, her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She just held me for a few seconds, then she straightened herself, her legs still around my waist. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

I grinned. “I wanted to surprise you.”

She was grinning as well as she said, “Well, I’m surprised. I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” I said. I noticed everyone begin to sit down, “We should probably get seated.”

She jumped down from my arms and nodded.

I sat down then and she went and sat down…

right beside me.

I looked at her. “Uh… Ellena. You know you have to sit with your house right?”

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she nodded. “Yes I know that Draco.” It was then I got a good look at her clothing. Robes, like everyone else was wearing. Traditional black, with green and silver decorating it.

I paused, for a moment, still not believing it. “You’re in Slytherin?” She smiled and nodded. I frowned, “Why?” I asked.

“Why?” she repeated, then asked timidly and quietly, “Do you not want me to be here?”

“Well… yes, I want you to be here, but… you weren’t sorted into the best house,” I said.

She smiled, then looked down at the table, empty besides us and said, “That hat knows what it’s doing,” she said. That made me smiled at her. Then the first years came in and were sorted. None were put into Slytherin. Then again, some on the role call Professor McGonagell read weren’t present. Harry turned to us. “This is going to be a weird year…"
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