Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

I don't have feelings for her.


The six of us had just finished dinner and were just about to leave to our separate common rooms. The Gryffindor part of our pack said goodbye to us, then headed to their tower. Draco began leading us toward the Slytherin common room.

“So, when did you get sorted?” Draco asked me as we walked toward the common room.

“Last night. I’ve been sleeping in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione.”

Draco nodded, then hugged me. “I really have missed you, Ellena.”

I laughed. “As much as I missed you when you were away?” I asked.

“Almost, but I was gone longer,” Draco admitted to me. “I’m just glad I’m here now.”

He stopped in front of the damp, stone castle wall, making me stop as well. “Do you know the password?”

I nodded and said the password, and the wall began to move. I jumped slightly, and Draco just laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist. When the wall stopped moving, Draco and I began to move inside.

On the inside, it was magnificent. Their were high ceilings and the common room was huge. I reclined on one of the two couches sitting perpendicular to the fireplace and just looked around.

Draco came up behind the couch and bent down to say in my ear. “I hate to be so Slytherin, but I suspect our common room is way better than Gryffindor’s.”

I grinned. “Yeah, but I like Gryffindor’s, too.”

He smiled and sat down on the end of the couch, putting my feet over his lap. He chuckled softly. “It’s so quiet. It’s never like this the first day of school… or during the school year.”

“It’s nice, though,” I said as I switched the way I was laying so that I was snuggling my head onto Draco’s shoulder. He nodded as he pulled his arm behind my head and began to stroke my hair. “We’ve got the whole place to ourselves.”

“Yes,” he said calmly. “This year is going to be great.”

I sighed with my eyes closed. “I hope.”


Soon after Ellena had relaxed herself, she fell asleep. I smiled, looking at her sleeping form. She gently smiled in her sleep.

I knew she didn’t need to spend the whole night on the couch before her first real day of attending classes. So I picked her up and headed toward the girl’s dormitories.

Once I got up the stairs, I noticed an open door halfway down the hall. I looked in there, seeing all her things.

I walked inside of the room and layed her down on one of the other beds. With my hands free, I pulled all of the covers away on her bed. El could never sleep throughout the night without some kind of blanket. Then I picked her up again and put her on her bed, then I covered her. I then gently whispered goodnight to her sleeping form, then went to bed myself.


The next morning, I woke up in my bed. I smiled knowing that Draco had been the one that brought me here.

I then got up and got ready, then went down to the common room and waited for Draco, who came out just a few minutes after me.

“Ready to go?” he asked. I nodded and stood and we began to go to breakfast.

We got to the Grand Hall and had began eating breakfast. During that time we got our schedules and began talking about them.

“We have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I think. Unless, of course Horace Slughorn decides not to continue teaching potions,” Draco said.

“Yeah,” I said, “I just hope I do well.”

Draco grinned. “I’m sure you will.”

Just then we felt a weight on the benches. We both turned and saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, and sitting around us Ginny sitting around us. Two were in front of us, and two were on either side of both me and Draco.

“So what classes did you get?” Ron asked as he yanked Draco’s schedule from you.

“Ron!” Hermione said. “I know your mother taught you manners.”

Ron just rolled his eyes. “Well my mother’s not around, Hermione.”

“You always look for an excuse to say her name don’t you?” I said with a smirk. He blushed and everyone else laughed.

“Awe. Wittle Ronny,” Harry said. Ron reached over and tried to punch Harry, but missed.

“Yes, and you like to admire Ginny quietly,” I said with more of a smirk. I heard a chorus of “Oohs” from the whole table as Harry turned red.

Harry was extremely flustered as he said, “Yeah? Well you…” he stopped short there, making us all laugh a little more.

Hermione, who was smiling, said, “Come on, Harry. Let’s go to class before you embarrass yourself even more.” Then we all stood.

“Do you need help to your classes?” Draco asked me as we follow the others.

I grinned. “No, I’m fine. Hermione showed me around the castle. Go on to your class.”

“Ok,” he said, hugging me quickly, then left to go to his classes.


I sat in class next between Ron and Hermione in Potions. The two were bickering through me and I… was very amused.

Just then Professor Slughorn came in and began teaching. Once he was done lecturing, we were assigned partners to do an assignment. I got paired with Hermione, so Ron began acting like a little girl, wanting his smart girlfriend to be his partner.

“Should of just stopped bickering with her, Weasley,” I said with a smirk. “Now I got her!” I began to do a small dance in my seat. Hermione and Ginny just looked at each other and rolled their eyes, Harry paid little attention, and Ron looked pissed.

Ron glared. “Well, Malfoy, maybe I should tell Ellena how you really feel about her.” I immediately stopped my dance and raised an eyebrow.

Harry, who had heard, smacked Ron upside the head with his book. “What was that for?” Ron said.

“For being an idiot,” Harry whispered to him. “You can’t tell her that.”

“What are you talking about?” I said, “Ellena’s like my sister.” I looked at Hermione and Ginny, who looked at me, then began to pay special attention to their herbs.

Ron rolled his eyes. “Quit lying to yourself.”

“Ron,” Hermione murmured almost warningly.

“Guy’s, I don’t have… feelings for Ellena,” I said.

They all laughed and said their own variations of “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” Then looked at me and went back to your potions.

I just decided to blow it off and help Hermione with the potion.
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Thanks for reading the story guys...