Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

quidditch captains and hogsmeade trips


The quidditch captain for Hufflepuff came up to me in the library as I was finishing my homework the next Wednesday. “Malfoy, can I ask a favor of you?”

I nodded, wondering if he was asking the same ‘favor’ that Harry and the Ravenclaw captain asked.

He sat down in the chair next to me. “Would you mind if you had your quidditch try-outs before mine? I know it’s an odd request but…”

“Is it the same reason the other captains want me to go before them?” I asked.

He looked guilty. “Do all their potential male players want to be on the same team as Ellena and don’t want to risk being on an opposing team for some reason?”

I nodded sadly. “Unfortunately. I wish they would just get some sense. I’m not prone to picking out players that just want to make a move on my best friend.” I rolled my eyes.

He rolled his eyes. “I know. Ellena is too sweet to have guys doing that to her. Besides, I’d rather her see my talents from across the field anyway…” I looked at him, and he quickly excused himself. I know I didn’t give him the nicest look, but I didn’t care.

So, we were the first to have our quidditch try-outs. I finished my homework, then went to dinner to tell Ellena.

I walked up to her at the table and sat down. “Hufflepuff captain came up to me and asked if we’d hold our try-outs before his.”

She looked at me. “Why?”

And here comes another lie. “They just feel generous and want to give us a good chance to beat them. I understand them. I wouldn’t want a game to be too easy.”

She nodded. “I understand. So what are we going to do in Hogsmeade?”

I looked at her, a little confused. “You have plans with George.”

“oh, yeah,” she said. She sounded disappointed. No she wasn’t disappointed. My head is just playing games with me, wanting her to be disappointed that she was spending time with George and not me.

I sighed heavily at the thought. I hate feeling this way, being unsure about every single thought or action I have that deals with her.

“What’s wrong, Drake?” she asked, turning toward me, putting the apple she was about to start on down and turned to face me. “You’re not my old Dray.”

I smile and her. “El, things have most definitely changed. It’s just taking me a little while to get adapted,” not a lie. This… emotion for Ellena made a strong change, and I did need time to adapt to things I didn’t really had to adapt to anymore, like George and El’s relationship.

She hugged me. “Well, if you need help from me, I’ll be there. I swear.”

“I know, El,” I said with a smile.

A couple days passed and finally it was Saturday. Time for a lovely trip to Hogsmeade. Not really.

Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I were in The Three Broomsticks. There wasn’t much to do. We had been in all the shops already and weren’t real keen on going to them. Ellena was with George, of course.

We had been in there a while when we heard the bell that chimes when the door was opened. I looked and my breath was caught.

I hadn’t seen Ellena that morning. I was running late and was at the tail end of the group going to Hogsmeade. I ended up catching up with Hermione and the rest once we got there and Ellena had already gone of with George.

She was Gorgeous. Her hair was gently curling and her smile looked bright as she walked through the door of the pub, the sun was in just the right spot and she literally glowed.

Then, George came in, closing the door he had opened for her and wrapping an arm around her. Fortunately they never saw us, and nobody wanted to interrupt their day, therefore I was allowed to be as introversive as I wanted to be. Believe me, I was plenty introversive to.

After that, the day was pretty much shot. I went back to the common room, pretended for Ellena, had dinner, then went to bed.
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101 subscribers so far. makes me happy.

And to lovingDRACOmalfoy... I'm sorry the last chapter was short. maybe I made it up to you this time? = >