Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

a mistaken kiss

I woke up against the most comfortable pillow imaginable, as if it was almost made for me. I smiled, not wanting to get up, and snuggled against the pillow even more. I placed my hand next to my head and realized…

This pillow has really tight abs. I opened my eyes and looked up at Draco. He was still sleeping. I sighed as mixed feeling welled up inside me. Giddiness due to how perfect I felt waking up near him, but the fact that I couldn’t tell him how I felt made the feeling much less powerful.

I looked at his face, and his lips, and remembered my dream. The dream that started this. I wanted to kiss him, so badly.

Getting up slowly from my spot, I looked at him, still sleeping. I walked closer to his sleeping form and leaned down, asking a million questions at the same time. Would this technically be wrong doing this while he‘s asleep, like taking advantage of him? I am like his sister, would he be disgusted?

My lips hit his gently. It was suppose to be a quick kiss, but I felt glued to the spot. The kiss was warm, and I wondered how it would be with Draco awake.

Suddenly, I felt the lips against mine react and hands reaching to my hair. I jumped up and took a step back, placing my hand over my mouth.

A few seconds of silence and then, “El?” His voice seemed to reverberate off my lips, as if they were connected.

“I’m sorry, I just…” I ran upstairs. Classes were today, I needed to get ready.


It was almost lunch, and my mouth and mind were still burning from the thought of the morning. This caused me to get bit by… whatever plant Professor Sprout had us learning about. Like I was paying attention.

The lunch bell rang, and I walked to the Grand Hall by myself. When I got there, Ellena wasn’t there. I sat down and began to eat waiting for her.

But she never came. Was she really phased that much by our kiss?

I sighed, but went on to class, worried. I sat in class, doodling and wondering if Ellena was alright. The desire to have my lips on hers once again also running through my mind. We needed to talk about that kiss.

As soon as classes were over I ran to my dorm to change. When I returned to the common, El and the rest were there.

“Where were you during lunch Draco?” Hermione asked.

“In the grand hallway. Where were you guys?”

Everyone looked at each other. Hermione said, “We had a short DA meeting in the room of requirement. Did none of us tell you?”

I laughed. “I guess so. I was kind of worried about you guys. So what did I miss?” I sat on the empty spot on the couch next to Ellena. I looked at her, but she just bit her lip and kept eye contact away from me.

“Nothing much,” Harry said. “Just some simple spells for the first years.” I pointed my attention to him, as he gave a strange expression to Ellena. “El? Are you ok?”

She looked up, an exaggerated smiled on her face. “Sure. why?”

“You just look kind of distant today.” He replied. “No offense. Maybe It’s just me.”

“No, I’ve noticed it too.” Hermione said. “I wanted to ask you myself, but I thought if you’d wanted to talk to us about it, you would.”

Ellena sighed. “I’m fine. Just a little out of it from the lack of sleep.” They all nodded, but I sensed she was lying.

I patiently waited until they left for the night. Ellena looked at me. “Well, I’m going to go on up to bed.” She went to stand up.

I stood up with her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “El, what’s wrong?”

She sighed. “I made a mistake, Draco. I’m sorry.”

“What mistake did you make, El? And why aren’t you talking to me because of it?”

“Kissing you,” she said. Of course. I guess with her troubles over George and everything, something just came over her and she kissed me.

“Oh, it’s no problem.” I said. Then hugged her. “It’s alright. Just don’t ignore me.”

She smiled up at me. “Thanks Draco.”

“No problem,” I said with a smile.

“Well, I am tired, so I’m going to go to bed, okay?”

“Okay, night, El.”

“Night, Draco.”

She walked away, and I went to bed myself. I was wounded by my hopes.
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sorry. really busy+ really bad + bad writers block = long wait for you. sorry.