Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

Draco freaks out.


Saturday came, and it was busy. Quidditch, then a DA meeting, then more quidditch. Draco decided we could skip a week, then doubled the next weekend. I don’t ask, he’s the coach.

I sat watching the players, making mental notes for the players. Or so I told Draco. I was watching him try to get the snitch.

Soon, Hermione and Ginny came up and sat next to me on the bleacher. “What’s up?” Hermione asked.

“Everybody sucks on this team, we need to practice more,” I said enthusiastically, as if I meant it, but I had a smile on my face, signifying that I was joking.

Ginny widened her eyes. “Whoa! Way to be pessimistic!” She laughed, as did Hermione.

“Well, now we really know what she thinks of Draco’s playing,” Hermione said with a smirk.

I crossed my arms. “Draco’s playing is not bad,” I said, a small smile on my face. “I think he’s a great player actually.”

“Do you mean player or kisser,” Ginny said mockingly, laughing. “Or else that’s what you hope.”

“What?” I said, my eyes widening. Did they know about it? Did Draco tell one of them.

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Ellena, really. You’ve been staring at him the past ten minutes, maybe longer, that’s just how long we’ve been watching you. You’re both being absolutely ridiculous.”

“We’re both being what?” I asked, confused. “How so?”

“Draco and you aren’t just friends anymore,” Hermione said.

“We aren’t?” I asked. I thought we were friends… what were we know… what? I’m… confused.

She turned to face me more. “You are all each other wants and you don’t even know it! You’ve known each other all your life and you know practically everything about each other, yet you don’t know you like each other! What is up with that?”

“Ellena!” Draco called to me, zooming up on the broom before us just after Hermione finished. I looked at him. “Please don’t tell me the snitch is hiding behind me again.” Hermione and Ginny began laughing, and I couldn’t help but giggle myself.

“No, Draco, it isn’t. That’s just the snitch at home. It’s somewhere out there.” Could Draco possibly think like I do? Would he think of me as more than the little sister?

He sighed. That snitch is pretty sneaky. I wonder where it could be. “Well,” he said, “Could you give one of our other beaters a rest?”

“Sure,” I said, getting up. “I’ll see you guys at the D.A. meeting,” I added to Ginny and Hermione, knowing that I’d be on the field the rest of the practice. I then got on my broom and zoomed off, immediately hitting bludgers left and right.

Soon, it began to rain, and a simultaneous groan came from all of us, but Draco told us to keep practicing. That’s when I noticed a little golden glimmer under me and my broom in the sudden grayness. I looked at Draco, and he looked at me, and we both took a nose dive for the golden sphere.

My broom was faster than Draco’s and I was four feet above the ground and level with the snitch a second before him. I then went straight for the snitch in front of me.

I was smiling, the adrenaline rush making me feel amazing. The snitch was barely out of arms reach as I grabbed for it.

The water that had covered my broom had become slick as oil, and I slipped. I didn’t notice what had happened until my head had connected with the ground, not wet enough to be soft.

I heard Draco yell my name, but I barely paid attention due to the migraine that had just developed. My head felt dizzy.

He appeared looking over me. “Are you ok?” he asked me. I could feel other presences… the other team-mates.

I nodded. “My head just hurts.” I put my arms on each of my sides and attempted to get up. Pushing myself up quickly caused my head to spin, and I began to go meet the ground again.

Draco’s arm met my shoulder blades. “Put your arms around my neck, El. I’m taking you to Madame Promfrey.” I felt so vulnerable, not being able to fend for myself at the moment, but I wasn’t going to be arrogant. I put my arms around his neck, and he picked me up and began carrying me across the field to the school.


When Ellena hit the ground, I freaked. Thankfully, she wasn’t too far off the ground. Madame Promfrey had told me to take her back to the common room and make sure she rested.

I did just that, or I tried. Once I got her on the couch, she began to ask questions. “What about the DA meeting? And quidditch this after noon?”

“We’ll tell them what happened when they ask why we didn’t come, and quidditch is canceled the rest of today,” I said. “I’m going to make you rest.”

She laughed a little. “You freaked out didn’t you?”

“Yes, El.” I said with a smile. I sat with her on the couch and she reclined more into it and leaned into me. “Does your head still hurt?” She nodded, and I reclined back so she was completely laid back, “Go to sleep, El. We can talk after you take a little nap.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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