Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

something's different.

After all cards were on the table, we sat in his room. I was sitting cross-legged on his bed, and he was sitting next to the bed in his comfortable desk chair, propping his legs up on the bed. We were talking comfortably, our smiles never leaving each other’s face.

We were enjoying the time alone, when we heard voices downstairs calling our names. We looked at each other, then reluctantly hauled ourselves up from our seats and went downstairs.

Draco was the first downstairs. “How is Ellena?” I heard Hermione’s voice ask.

“I’m fine,” I said, walking down the last few steps.

Hermione looked at me and smiled. “I’m glad you’re alright,” she said. The rest came up to me and hugged me.

I laughed. “It’s not like I was meeting death or something!”

“We were still worried about you,” Ginny said, “If you were any higher or if you had fallen straight on your head, you may be out right now.”

“Thanks, guys,” I said with a smile. “Now, what are we going to do? I’m bored.”

Harry was the first to reply. “Well, we could go get some dinner, then fill you in on what happened during the DA meeting.”

I looked at Draco. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist. I felt warmth travel from his arm and to the rest of my body. “Let’s go.”

Draco, Ron, and I began to walk towards the door, not noticing that the other four weren’t following. As soon as Draco and I noticed, we stopped, but Ron continued on.

We backtracked and looked at the others, who were staring strangely back. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Just then Ron came back in at full speed. “Hey!” he said, looking at us, “Something is different about you two!”

Everyone came to life then, laughing at Ron. Then Harry looked at us. “So?” he asked. “What’s going on?”

“Well, there’s no much to say, really,” Draco said to them. “You can pretty much conclude by yourself.”

“No one can do that with you two!” Ginny said, “We don’t know what’s custom or something more than custom when it comes to the both of you.”

He laughed, and I looked at him. To see him so happy made my stomach flip. “Well,” he said, looking at me. “It is more than custom.” I felt a smile grow on my face as one was placed gently on his.

Ron broke the moment with a loud, “Awww!” We look at him just as Ginny elbowed him. “What was that for?”

Hermione laughed. “My boyfriend is getting hungry. We better feed him before he starts ripping up the furniture.” We all laughed, then continued on to eat.
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short, sorry. just wanted to get something up