Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning

I wanted to be powerful

It was finally Christmas break, and we were all on the train back home. Ellena and I were going to the mansion and the rest were going to the Weasley’s.

Our father had decided to meet us at the train station, and Ellena and I couldn’t wait to tell my parent that we were dating. However, when we entered the platform, my arm draped over El’s shoulder, he pretty much got the point, and I could tell he wasn’t too happy.

We entered our home quietly, and immediately my father called me into the library.

After taking a silent walk toward the study, the door was closed and my father was instantly questioning me?

“What is wrong with you Draco?” he asked immediately.

“Father, I have no clue what you are talking about,” I told him. “Is this about me and Ellena?”

“YES!” he said, obviously frustrated. “You know what you promised with that veritaserum, have you changed you plan?”

“My… plan?” I said, giving him a questioning glance. “Father, I have no idea as to what ‘plan’ you are talking about.”

He turned to me. “The dark lord’s plan? That Ellena was to be your wife, because you were his successor?”

I blinked a few times. “Excuse me? You really think I would do that?” I practically spat at him, I had become so livid. “You know how close I am to Ellena, do you really think that wouldn’t come to this?”

“Draco, you’re still young, I remember when I was your age, I wanted to be the most powerful…”

“So you joined the dark lord. At least you’d be the second most powerful in the world; but in the process you made your wife miserable and sick with worry for you. I could hear her cries throughout the house every night until I went to school. You made your ONLY CHILD feel as if killing was the only way to live through the war and protect the ones he loved. I’ll never get my sixth year back because Voldemort ruined it with his ‘request.’” Thoughts of that year caused tears to fight it’s way past my eyes. “The one place free of Voldemort, free of death eaters, became a trap for me. To look at Dumbledore EVERY DAY… and knowing I would have to kill him….”

I began walking out of the study. When I place my hand on the door knob, I stopped. “I’ve learned from your mistakes, father. I’m not going to repeat your past. I’m leaving the house, I’ll be back Christmas morning. Maybe.”

“Draco, what’s wrong,” Ellena said as I stormed into the main room. I stopped and looked at her. Mother was in the room as well.

I placed a hand in her hair. “Father and I had an argument. I think I’m going to go to the Weasley’s and see if they’ll take me…”

“To see if they’ll take us, you mean, right?” she interrupted. I looked in her eyes, and she answered my unasked question. “You aren’t going to leave without me.”

I looked at my mother. “I’m sorry, Mother. We’ll come back Christmas morning.”

She walked up and nodded, hugging me. “I can’t believe you two are together,” she said, at least one of my parents was encouraging of my relationship. “I knew it would just happen naturally.” She kissed my cheek, then Ellena’s, then I proceeded to grab both our bags and we apparated together, Ellena coming side-along.