Status: i'll have to update when i can...very busy...

Not the End. Just the New Beginning



As soon as I got to the shop, George asked me about the owl.

"Yes, I got it, and I'm going to do it. Thanks for helping me."

He smiled. "No problem... Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch and meet some of my friends. They've really wanted to meet you."

I hesitated. "Well, I kind of had plans with Draco."

"Do you think he'd mind coming along? I'm sure Harry, Ron, and Hermione won't mind."

I smiled. "Really?" He nodded. "Ok, I'll ask Draco."

Draco came into the shop a few minutes before lunch. I ran up to him and said, "Hey, George wants us to have lunch with some of his friends. Do you mind?"

He hesitated a minute. "Which friends?" he asked.

"Well his brother Ron, and then I think the other two are named Harry and Hermione."

I saw him widen his eye a little. "Are you sure he wants me to come along with him."

Nodding, I said, "George said you could come."


I didn't really know what to think. George Weasley, of all the people I had been horrible and mean to, was actually tolerating me. Of course, I knew he probably just wanted to spend more time getting to know his work partner and let her get to know a few people.

Still, how ever, I didn't know how the "Golden Trio" would react to me being there. I was very hesitant about it, and I really didn't want to do it. However, I didn't want to hurt Ellena.

After a minute of thinking about it, George had come out of a back room and cut me off by asking both Ellena and me, "Are you ready?"

Ellena looked at me for a final answer. I looked at her, then to George. "Yes." Ellena smiled widely as we headed off.

They others were at the restaurant before us and were already seated. They all seemed a bit surprised at me being there, but they said nothing.

I didn't say much unless something was directed at me. Ellena was talking living though. I could tell they liked her, and that was nice to know.

Everything happened after Ellena excused herself to use the restroom.

"Awe Georgie likes her," Harry said, joking around.

George blushed like mad, muttering a, "Shut up, Harry," and I felt that slightly angry emotion bubble up in me.

Harry laughed and then added, "I can't believe she's so sweet."

"Why not?" George asked. I was wondering as well.

The dark headed boy made an expression as if it was obvious. "She had obviously been hanging around a bunch of death eaters."

"You mean me?" I asked, slightly offended.

"Well, yes," he said, looking me in the eye.

"HARRY!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron widened his eyes, "You're taking Draco's side?"

"Ron," George said warningly.

"You, too?" Ron added. "You don't remember seeing how... vulnerable she looked when we asked her that one question at your shop."

George glared. "It didn't have anything to do with him, Ron."

"How do you know?" Harry added. "Who knows how he could have manipulated her."

"Harry," Hermione was glaring at Harry.

"Hermione," Ron said, shocked. "Why are you the one... protecting him? After what he's done to you? He killed my brother."

I could tell my eyes had widened in surprised. "I didn't kill your brother!" I said defensively.

"You helped," he said with a glare.

"RONALD WEASLEY," Hermione exclaimed, standing.

Ron glared at Hermione, then just left. Harry followed him.

Hermione sat down and looked at me. "I am so sorry."

I looked at the door they had walked out of, then looked at her. "Why did you defend me?"

"You hadn't insulted us. No "mudblood" or anything like that. Plus I think you deserve a second chance," she said with a slight smile. "After all, your parents did go to the ministry and confessed. They even used veritaserum, if I'm not mistaken."

I nodded. "I'm surprised we didn't go to Azkaban."

"Truthfully, I am, too," she said, just as Ellena was coming back.

She stood, looking at the two empty seats. "Where did Ron and Harry go?"

We all hesitated before Hermione said, "They had to leave."

I saw Ellena sit for a second and have a quarrel with herself before she decided it was best to not question further.

The rest of the time we all talked, but there was still a bit of tension in the air from previously. When we had finished, we parted ways with Hermione and then headed back to the joke shop.

"So, what happened while I left?" Ellena asked the two of us.

George and I looked at each other, a little surprised she mentioned it. Then George continued, "Harry and Ron sometimes just let things come out at the wrong time. Ron does it more than Harry, but sometimes it's like their brains fall out and it makes a really mess."

"That doesn't answer my question, George," she said with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed. "Harry just said something about you being sheltered around a bunch of death eaters, I took offense to it, and Hermione and George protected me."

"You deserved it," George said with a slight shrug. "There are two conclusions. Either you've changed, you're trying to change, or you have one hell of a conspiracy going on. I highly doubt it's the third one, though."

We all laughed as we took the final steps to the joke shop. Ellena gave me a hug and then they went inside.