Status: Active

Live without Warning

Thank you tre much to La-Idiot for making such an amazing banner -- the first banner for this story.

Autumn just moved to Oakland, California to achieve an education in the music industry.
She works in a record studio with her older brother who owns it.

As Autumn loses interest in trying to make friends with the famous clients she meets on a regular bases, she can't help but keep her eye on the drummer of Green Day, Tre Cool. Though she tries to deny her lust for the rockstar, she can't help but realize that he wants her too. But how can she be so sure that he doesn't just want her for the hookup? How can he be so sure that she doesn't just want him for the spotlight?

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. If they sound familiar to you, it is a coincidence. Thank you. Enjoy.