Sequel: Time is Running Out
Status: Finished =)

So Many Staal's, So Little Time

So Many Staal's, So Little Time 11

I rolled over on my bed waiting for my alarm clock to wake me up. The sound of it never went off. Damn it, I thought to myself as I sat up and looked over at the night stand to realize I wasn’t in my bed. I wasn’t even in my own house. I looked down and realized I wasn’t even dressed!

Panic mode overcame me. What the hell did I do last night? More importantly who the hell did I do last night? I jumped when I heard snoring next to me but sighed in relief when I realized it was just Eric.

I shifted my weight on the bed so I could get up. Grabbing my clothes I slowly put them on hoping he wouldn’t wake up. He quickly turned over but I let out a small sigh as I realized he was asleep.

Creeping towards the door as quietly as I could was a challenge. Some of the floorboards were squeaky. I stepped as lightly as I could not make a noise. Smilingly triumphantly to myself I reached out to open the doorknob when the floor let out the loudest creak I have ever heard in my life.

“Hey…” Eric stammered as he sat up in the bed. He moved his head from side to side like he was trying to figure out what happened. He stopped and just looked at me and I nodded my head.

“Shit… I just made this problem worse. I’m…”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not all your fault. I gotta go though, I’ll see you later.” I shouted before running out of the room. I could hear him jump out of bed and run after me but I didn’t care.

I saw a lot of the boys hanging in the kitchen; where else would they be on a Sunday morning? I gave them all a small wave as I ran out of the house and down the road towards my apartment, not even bothering to grab my car.

The entire way home I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Just everything about him. The way he would always have that lopsided smirk or the crinkles in his cheeks when he laughed. It was just the little things about him I loved.

I finally reached my door after an hour of running. Usually running makes me feel better but it just made me feel worse. Every step I took took me farther away from who I loved. After last night I knew I loved him. I flew open the door and ran off towards my bedroom. I instantly found my laptop and signed onto my aim praying Em would be on.

BadAssesofdaBay: Em! I need you. I really messed up.

RedWingsRockdaHouse: I’m here I’m here. Whatcha need?

BadAssesofdaBay: I slept with Eric…
RedWingsRockDaHouse: WHAT?!?!

BadAssesofdaBay: Yeah :/ I did. And I really messed up. I ruined my entire relationship with every single Staal brother now.

RedWingsRockDaHouse: You don’t know that Danielle! You never know what will happen. Just don’t pull one of your famous moves.

BadAssesofdaBay: And what would that be?

RedWingsRockDaHouse: Leaving everyone and everything and not telling them what is going on.

BadAssesofdaBay: DO I do that a lot?

RedWingsRockDaHouse: DUH! It’s like if you look it up in the dictionary you’ll see your picture under it. =)

BadAssesofdaBay: Wow thanks Emilie, way to make me feel good.

RedWingsRockDaHouse: Listen. You just need to tell him how you feel. And tell the others that you don’t feel the same way towards them that they feel towards you. You sadly cannot date them all. =)

BadAssesofdaBay: That would be epicly weird….

RedWingsRockDaHouse: Yes it would! Now you go make some calls, I’m going to go drink coffee!

And with that she signed off. Even thought she didn’t mean to she made me feel worse. I didn’t want to talk to them and tell them how I feel. I don’t do that. I just usually run from my problems. I admit that isn’t a good thing to do but it works for a while.

I paced my room trying to figure out what to do. Should I leave and take a job elsewhere or stay here and tell him how I feel? The first option sounded the best but I knew I couldn’t do it.

Walking out of my room I searched for my phone. I had to tell him. I knew he liked me back so I had nothing to lose. Picking up my phone I started to dial his number. Before I hit send I chickened out and threw my phone across the room. I had a lot to lose. I’d be losing three other boys I loved dearly with all my heart, but not as much as I loved him, well I think.

I ran back into my room and threw my suitcase out of the closet. I began throwing clothes and accessories into it. I knew exactly what I was going to do. After I finished packing I threw my suitcase into the trunk and drove off. I didn’t know how I was going to say it but I knew I had to.

I turned the car down the street and into his driveway. My entire body felt rigid and cold. Nausea swept through me as I sat in the car waiting. I knew I had to do it. Slowly I exited the car and started to walk towards his door. My breathing became shallow and my steps became shorter.

“Hey come in!” Eric said, opening the door so I could walk in.

“Listen I’m really sorry about last night. It was stupid and shouldn’t have happened.” I quickly said still standing in the frame of the door.

“You can come inside you know. Don’t have to stand out in the cold.” He moved aside so I could walk in but I didn’t.

“I have a flight to catch so I can’t stay long sorry. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything. I really feel like I fucked everything up.”

“You didn’t. I rushed everything I know it. I tried to get your mind off him cause I liked you but obviously it didn’t work.” He mumbled looking down at his feet. I gave him a small smile and a hug which he gladly returned.

I gave him a small wave as I backed out of his driveway and onto the highway towards the airport. I knew it was a long shot but I needed to do this.

I knew it wouldn’t work out though. I mean come on who would ever like a girl who slept with their brother? I know I wouldn’t go out with someone who slept with one of my siblings. It sounds just wrong. I debated with myself about turning around and just heading home.

No, I can’t do that. I needed to tell him. So I kept driving towards the airport. When I got there I threw the car into neutral and just sat there. I was too nervous to move.

“Miss are you going to give us your car and get on your flight?” the attendant at the parking lot asked.

“Yes I am.”
♠ ♠ ♠
only one more chapter left =)
i loved writing this!
any comments totally appreatiated