Sequel: Time is Running Out
Status: Finished =)

So Many Staal's, So Little Time

So Many Staal's, So Little Time 4

The week went by not as eventful as my first few days. I started getting into a routine. Breakfast, run to work, work on photos, lunch, work on more photos, take pictures at the game, dinner, and bed. Occasionally I would run into Jordan and he’d always smile and wave, or stand and aimlessly talk to me. I was really beginning to like him. Over the week I’ve thought less and less of Jared. I did love him don’t get me wrong, but it’s hard to be close to someone when you’re a country away.

Saturday morning I arrived at Mellon arena early before work. I didn’t think anyone would be here this early on a Saturday so I walked towards the bench with my laptop to get some work done. My thudding footsteps were my only company to the silent walk towards the ice. I was almost at the ice when I heard a puck hit a crossbar.

“Who’d be here this early on a Saturday?” I asked myself. I am a curious creature so I started walking faster towards the ice. Turning the corner my eyes landed on Jordan. He skated the ice smoothly, not missing a beat. Around the ice he went, bring the puck between his legs to shoot the puck. I didn’t want him to realize I was there, so I quietly stepped forward, getting my camera out. He kept skating, trying to perfect tricks. I kept snapping pictures away. All too soon he stopped, turning towards the general direction I was in.

“Those pictures will cost you.” He said, “I’m not cheap.” He added with a chuckle.

“How did u know I was here?!” I exclaimed, jumping out from behind the wall I was hiding behind.

“It’s not that hard to see a camera lens on the corner of a wall, and besides the shutter is loud.” He said. He started skating towards the bench while I sat on it.

“So. How much do I owe the great Jordan Staal for these pictures?” I asked, waving my camera in his face.

He scrunched his face up, pretending he was in deep thought. I pushed his arm away from me, and he started laughing.

“Lunch. Right now.” He said, picking me up bridal style and carrying me towards the locker-room. It must have been a funny sight watching us go to the locker-room. Jordan was trying to run but his heavy equipment, me, and his hockey stick made that very much impossible. He kicked the door open, and put me down in his stall.

“Wait right here.” He said, shaking his finger in his face. I just shook my head while he walked off towards the showers. I turned around, looking at the pictures in his locker. They were mainly clippings of him getting into the NHL, and other sports team, and some of him. I tore my glance away when my phone started vibrating.

“Hey Jared!” I exclaimed. I haven’t talked to him all week, so I was beyond excited.

“Hey Ell, how are you? How is Pittsburgh treating you?” he asked.

“Eh, it’s alright. Completely different then Thunder Bay that for sure”

“Yeah I bet! Well I just wanted to see how you were. I miss you.” He said. My stomach dropped. I really did miss him too.

“I miss you too, I’ll visit soon though, I promise.” I said.

“Alright, you better. Love you.” He said, and with that our phone call ended. I stared at the blinking end icon on my phone. Two arms snaked around my waist, and a head leaned on my shoulder.

“Ready to go?” he whispered in my ear. I shook my head, and he grabbed my hand, and we left.

Sunday Morning:

The alarm clock on my phone started blaring, causing me to jump. I guess that was a bad choice cause I fell back down. My head was throbbing. I laid down for a few more minutes, trying to get the pain to subside. Finally it did and I got out of bed. I threw on some pants, a white shirt, and my heels. Grabbing my overnight bag, I left my apartment. Fishing my phone out of my bag I dialed Jordan’s number.

“Hey Danielle!” he screamed into the phone causing myself to cringe.

“Jordan, ever heard of an indoor voice? Maybe you should use it.” I stated. I was already hung over from last night with hanging out with him all day, I didn’t need him screaming.

“Now somebody is cranky. Or extremely hung over. I’m guessing the second one, I told you no one could beat me in a drinking game.” He stated. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

“Hahaha, your hilarious. Now are you going to pick me up or are you going to make me walk to the airport?”

“I’ll be there in five.” He stated, I could hear music in the background so I knew he was on his way.

“Where are we going even?” I asked. The NHL just said I had to photograph their next road game, they never told me where though.

“New York. We’re playing the Rangers.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cliff Hanger! Wooooot Finally going to bring in the next staal brother, or am i? haha I like torturing people =)