Sequel: Time is Running Out
Status: Finished =)

So Many Staal's, So Little Time

So Many Staal's, So Little Time 6

“Danielle, wake up. If you don’t wake up you’re going to regret it.” Jordan screeched from down the hall. I didn’t bother responding. I knew even if I did respond he’d probably do something anyways. I heard his footsteps running down the hall. He jumped landing on top of me pinning me to the bed.

“Jordan you just told me to get up. Your actions are contradicting your words.” I giggled trying to throw him off me. Even though I needed to get up for work and he needed to go to morning skate, I didn’t want him to get off. He sighed and rolled off me and exited the room. After waiting five more minutes and listening to Jordan yelling I decided I really should get up. I walked by him pushing him into a door causing him to smirk.

“Your hot when your flustered.” He whispered in my ear while I walked by. Shooting him my smirk I pranced into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I honestly loved testing Jordan so I took the longest shower of my life. His voice was booming from the other room telling me to hurry up but I didn’t. I exited the shower and I could still hear him hitting the door.

“Danielle! We need to go like now!” he pounded on the door I was sure he was going to break it. Pulling my clothes on I opened the door silencing him.

“Jordan. Beauty takes time. You should have woken me up earlier.” I spoke slamming the door in his face. I quickly did my makeup and my hair and strutted out of the bathroom to see Jordan lounging on the couch with his legs over the armrests.

“Come on lazy time to go.” I said while grabbing his arms to pull him off the couch. I wasn’t expecting him to be so heavy or to pull back and I fell over the armrest onto his stomach with an oomph. He pulled his arms around me pulling myself closer so I couldn’t escape.

“Jordan we have to go.” I shouted in his ear while pounding on his chest.

“No we don’t.” he spoke calmly. I gave him a perplexed look. I knew he had a game today.

“Do you even know what time it is?” he asked. I shook my head no. he pointed to his phone and the time read one. We still had four hours until we had to leave.

“Jerk why did you do that!”

“So I could do this.” He replied, tilting my head up so I was looking in his eyes. He smirked his famous smirk and he kissed me. His lips lingered on mine gently testing to see if I was okay with this. He deepened the kiss moving his hands up and down my back. My heart kept telling me to keep this up but my brain kept screaming no no no! We had just met we couldn’t be doing this. I pulled away and his lips grazed my jaw and went down to my neck. I tried to talk but it just came out in gasps for air.

“Jordan, ugh god…” I started. I started to enjoy this but my brain still kept screeching no.

“Jordan stop…” I started but his lips came and silenced me. I knew we should stop, but I honestly didn’t want to. He pulled back momentarily to slip my shirt off and he continued kissing around my collarbone. Finally common sense overcame me and I slammed my fists into his chests causing him to pull away.

“Jordan no. We can’t do this for many obvious reasons, and one being we just recently met. I don’t want to be just another girl.” I said while reaching for my shirt. I threw it over my head and went to get off him when he pulled me back down. Cupping my face he kissed my forehead and traced under my eyes with his thumbs.

“I’m cool with that. But just to let you know, you’ll never just be another girl to me.” I nodded while getting up and grabbing my bag.

“Want lunch?” I asked searching for my wallet.

“Umm well first, umm yeah I’m going to go shower.” He stuttered walking bow legged towards the shower causing myself to burst in a fit of laughter. I plopped back down on the sofa and watched television until I heard him coming out of the bathroom. He grabbed my hand and led me out the door towards the city.

“What do you want to eat?”

“Can we have Italian?” I asked. He shook his head yes and we walked down the block towards a cute little Italian place. Jordan opened the door for me and I walked inside but ran into a body.

“My bad sorry.” I hurriedly apologized and looked up to see Marc.

“Marc!” Jordan shouted giving Marc a man hug.

“Hey lil bro how’s it going?” he asked.

“Wait, did you just say bro?!”
♠ ♠ ♠
OHHH drama, and a cliffhanger makes you want more right? well i hope so haha