Sequel: Time is Running Out
Status: Finished =)

So Many Staal's, So Little Time

So Many Staal's, So Little Time 9

“Danielle it is a great pleasure to have you working for us now.” Liam said shaking my hand.

“My pleasure as well. Everyone seems so nice here.” I said. He dropped my hand and motioned for me to follow him. We stood next to the rink as the players skated by.

“The Hurricanes have a game against Phoenix tonight so you can start tonight right?” He asked looking at me. I nodded my head.

“Splendid! Well I will show you to your office. The team is going out to lunch today after practice so I think you should go with them, make some friends, get to know them so you know what you are shooting.” He said. I nodded my head again and he showed me where my office was.

It was such a nice office. It overlooked the ice rink too! The entire side was glass so I could watch the game the practice or games from up here. Against the glass was a table with a couple of seats facing the rink. On the other wall there sat my desk along with a computer, docking station, and a few other necessitate you’d find in an office.

“Well it seems like they are wrapping practice up. Why don’t I show you the rest of the building then I take you down to meet them?” he asked.

“Yeah sounds perfect.” I grabbed my bag and followed him out of the office. He showed me everywhere around the rink. From the outside it didn’t look like much but if you really stepped inside and saw it it was huge.

“Hey boys you all decent?” Liam asked knocking on the door. I heard many respond yeah so Liam opened the door and ushered myself inside. The guys stood and everyone was dressed in dress pants and button down shirts.

“Well I’d like you guys to welcome Miss. Danielle Strodel. She’s originally from Thunder Bay but worked in Pittsburgh for a while in photography and now lucky for us she is working for us. She will be doing pictures for the NHL, the website, and for our fan base.” Liam spoke. I heard a lot of the players say hello while others just nodded. I smiled back and gave a little wave.

“Well now that you all met lets go get lunch.” Many of the guys cheered and we all loaded into one of the busses and went out to a little Irish pub. We all ordered our food and they split into side conversations. I didn’t know a single soul and felt out of place.

“Hey I’m Eric. Eric Staal.” The tall blonde boy said. I shook his hand and smiled. Then it hit me. He was Jordan and Marc’s oldest brother. I cringed at the thought and Eric laughed.

“You must know my brothers.” He laughed.

“Yup royally fucked that up.” I laughed and took another sip of my drink.

“What do you mean?” He asked. His eyes bore into me and it left flutters in my stomach.

“Well you see Jordan met me in Pittsburgh cause he knocked me on my ass. Then we hung out a lot cause I worked for the Penguins. We were really close everyone on the team assumed we were just together. Then we went to New York and I ran into Marc and we hung out and stuff. Then the next day I was with Jordan going to lunch and we ran into Marc and it turned to be the most awkward conversation of my life! Then to top it off I then found out they were related to Jared! Jared is my best friend in Thunder Bay; we graduated together and everything. And he says he loves me, Jordan acts like he loves me and Marc look like he wanted to rip Jordan’s head off when we were sitting at the restaurant talking. So yes I have met your brothers.” I gushed. It felt amazing just to get everything off my chest.

“Yup that sounds like my brothers. Sorry for them they can be assholes sometimes.” He spoke giving me a hug.

“Thanks.” I said, wiping the tears away from my eyes. He took my face in his hands and wiped the rest of them away and gave me another bone crushing hug. Even though there is a Staal in this place where I came to escape the Staal’s I’m happy it’s him.
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Chapter 9 finally!
its really short i know please dont kill me! i'll post the next chapter super long.
16 subcribers yay! im shooting for 20 after this update! So please comment and subcribe