Happy Birthday Catherine


I pulled my black hood up to cover my pale face and stepped from the gloomy shadows into equally gloomy weather. The cold, sharp air was choked with angry thunder heads, the mourning sun's veil. That was just fine with me. The fickle wind playfully tugged at my hood as I became a silent witness to a small, modest funeral. The corners of my mouth lifted as a large woman fell to her knees, weeping and wailing unashamedly. How ironic. Today was the day of my death, a day to celebrate. I padded across the cemetery's cool grass away from the happy scene and stood before my own grave stone.
Born: June 21, 1992
Died: May 1, 2007
I laughed softly the irony of visiting my own grave.
"How you copin'?" Something strange flared in my head at his voice and disappeared. Yes, I remember, anger. I painted a smile on my face and looked up at my murderer... and my creator. Jacobi Frost.
"Never been better." I lied.
"Well, happy birthday." He smirked. "Wanna get a drink? It's on me."
"No but thanks. I have plans." I shoved my hands into my tight jean pockets. Emotions to feed, people to catch, blood to drink. Busy schedule.
"How 'bout a birthday kiss? What else would a girl want on her 'special' day." He moved closer, suddenly big and threatening, close enough that I could smell the sweet hot blood on his breathe.
"Yes, what else?" I said sarcastically and smiled. "Kiss someone for me then." I caressed his smooth perfect face and brushed past, swaying my hips for his benefit. My wanderings lead me to the crowded out door mall, reveling at how all the emotions could be crammed into this diverse atmosphere. My brain was overloading with the pleasure of re-experiencing those emotions. Selfish bastard that I am, I wanted more. Something more powerful and concentrated. Time to hunt. My eyes fell on a blonde girl chattering to her friends. She was wearing a black Twilight shirt with red claw marks and the words "Team Jacob." I chuckled under my breathe. Another win for Team Edward. She followed her herd of friends out to the parking lot and I sighed disappointedly. That was a no go. There was no way I could get at her without someone seeing "something". I'm fast, but not that fast. Then she waved her girlfriends off and hunched her shoulders over, pulling her jacket tight around her and walking quickly back through the mall. I silently crowed with delight. It seems that stranger danger education isn't that emphasized these days. That's just too bad. Should've followed the buddy system, blondie. Today was turning out to be pretty interesting. She walked on confidently, always aware of her surroundings, trying to show she wasn't to be messed with or she'd scream. I could feel the anxiety emanating from her, tingling pleasurably down my spine. My prey looked around, checking to see that no one was watching and slipped between two buildings. Second mistake. She should've stayed out in the open. Poor naive little girl. She has no idea what's in store for her. Hmmm... honestly she's about the same as I would be if I hadn't died two years ago. I guess death forces people to grow up. Ha ha. Blondie sneaked into an abandoned warehouse. Third mistake, going alone into an even more closed off area. Three strikes you're out, chica. Oh, waiting for someone? Maybe a boyfriend for a little bit of a fling? Or some person she doesn't want to get caught hanging with. Or maybe she's a really bad girl and a prostitute or a drug dealer. I slowly opened the door, loving the way it creaked ominously. She looked up, frightened but sighed when she saw me. I guess I'm not real scary looking. I dropped my hood and grinned, dispelling her relief.
"What do you want? Her, take my purse, I've got a hundred dollars in there. Just leave me alone, okay?" I paused dramatically.
"No sweetheart, that's okay. I just want your blood."
"Vampire." She whispered hoarsely. I licked my lips and took a step towards her. Then fear exploded in my rain, so delicious and strong. My breath quickened when she began to run. I could almost hear her thoughts. don't want... die... Being ever so generous, I gave her a five second lead. The chase ended quickly when she took a wrong turn and hit a dead end hallway. Whoops. I was almost disappointed.
"Stay away from me. Touch me and I'll scream. It's illegal if if if you..." She burst into tears, backing into the farthest corner away from me, fervently looking for an escape. I quickly stood in front of her. She blinked and started at my sudden appearance, screaming.
"Don't cry, baby. I won't kill you. In fact, I think you're going to like it." I played around with the idea of mesmerizing her into willingly offering her blood. It WAS my "birthday." Nah, too boring... My hands caressed her sallow face and pulled her hair back, revealing her dainty little neck. She shivered under my toch, her heart beat drumming through my fingertips. Her blood called to me, tantalizingly, sweetly, humming deliciously. I couldn't stand it any longer. I leaned in and sank my teeth into her neck. She screamed with pain and I moaned with the sweet hot burst of flavor on my tongue. The she was moaning too, pressing me tight against her neck, grinding against me and I could feel her desire. Whoa, this girl is a total whore. I hadn't actually meant she was going to enjoy this, but sometimes the venom I inject brings out the best in humans... or worst.
"What the fuck!" A male voice interrupted my feeding. I let go of my food and let her slide, unconscious, to the floor. He practically did a double take at the sight of my bloody mouth and his eyes widened. He. Was. Delicious. Mmm... that seems to be my word for the day. I ghosted in fronted of him, of course I walked, but he didn't know that.
"It's okay. She won't..." I licked my lips seductively. "Remember a thing." I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him against the wall.
"Now what should I do about you? " I walked my fingers up his chest and tapped his bottom lip. I held his gaze and let my eyes shift, mesmerizing him. "I wouldn't want you to forget me." I smiled coyly.
"Never." He gasped and kissed me hard, grabbing my waist and pulling me hard against him. I wanted to drink him, he smelled so good but I didn't want some love sick puppy after me. Yeah, mesmerizing and sucking blood didn't go together when strangers were involved. His tore at my black jack and white cami, trying to tug them off. I stayed his hands and held his face.
"Good night." I kissed him softly and slammed his head into the wall, gently laying him on the floor. I looked longingly at his handsome face before running from the warehouse, grinning. He had made me feel so alive. That's what I had missed the most about my life, emotions, feelings, besides the lost memories. Happy birthday, Catherine.