The Absent Emptiness

Getting down to it

I had gone back into the building, wanting to go off on Echo, but didn't. She was hurting too, why would you throw stones at an already injured dog? I took her home, dropping her off at Ethan's, an odd experience now made even worse. There in that house, alot of mixed emotions and thoughts were brewing, sooner or later, I'd have to talk to Ethan about all of this, but not now. I had to do it before the funeral though, to get it out in the air. I figured that way, we can all let our dead friend pass in peace.

I called Gwen on my cell, getting her voice mail. Annoyed, I left a message and hung up.
I pulled into my parking lot, and found Gwen sitting on my front stoop.

Feeling a little awkward, I greeted her.

She gave me her sweet smile, and offered me a cup of coffee she had bought on the way to my building.
She explained she had gotten my message only a few moments ago, and she was at corner store getting coffee. She picked some up for me, since she knew we were going to meet up later on anyway.
It was a sweet and thoughtful thing for her to do.

"How'd you know how to make my coffee just right?" I asked after taking a sip.

"I cheated, your mom always tells me how you like things. I visit her alot with my Aunt these days." She explained, taking a sip of her own coffee.

I smiled, it was just like mom to put my business out to everyone, not that I was complaining about the current situation.

"So, let's go inside and talk okay?"

She nodded, "Okay, sounds good."

We went into the building and entered my apartment.

"Sorry about the mess, haven't really had time with Hunter and all," I said with embarrassment.

"It's okay, it's expected from single guys, and your mom told me that too," She said with a giggle.

"I don't think we've ever actually sat down and talked have we?" I asked her, taking a seat at the table.

", I can't say that we have. I mean, we had that first date that our family setup for us, but that doesn't really count does it?"

I shrugged, " I guess not. So yeah, this"
I took a look around my apartment as I said it, soaking in the piles of newspapers, pencils, pens, artwork, clothes, all scattered about.

"So, how long did you know Hunter?" She asked suddenly.

"Since we were in high school amazingly. We linked up in a creative writing work shop. We hated each others work! We thought the other had horrible writing skills!" I said smiling at the memory.

"Hm...I know he was a great writer, I've read some of his work in a few collections he's been in. But you're really good too, your mom is always telling me how you love to write. She even has that one poem you wrote your father, hung up in a frame on a wall"

I frowned at that, I didn't like to talk about him.
She saw this, and quickly changed the subject. Her hand subconsciously grazed mine, a comforting gesture, but quickly pulled it away.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that was a touchy subject with you! Damn, I'm striking out with you today!"

"No, it's okay. It was a long time ago, things are different. I just don't see why my mother still clings to that jerk. He was no good, that man. Nothing but bruised eyes and busted lips...and mountains of lies," I said bitterly towards the end.

I realized I had created a gloomy atmosphere, so I changed the subject.

"So, I've stumbled across this new writer! Yeah, I've never heard of her before, but she's really good! I mean, I found some of her work in Hunter's study. I have no idea if she's had anything published, but I really want to find more of her stuff! She's really good!"

Gwen smiled, "Sounds interesting, if another writer has piqued your interest! I mean, that's saying alot coming from the 'Jaded Writer'!"

I returned her smile, "Yeah, I don't know why I haven't told anyone about this person yet, I guess I kind of wanted to keep them for myself, only for me to enjoy."

Gwen slid closer, "Could you show it to me? I'd like to read it too."


She had a sassy look in her eyes, "Oh yes, I really want to share something with you. It'd be our little secret!"

I figured, why not? I got out of my seat to retrieve the first writing I had found of Lola Chloe.
I just hoped I wasn't going to be the only person to find her work amazing.