Love Story

Chapter Two.

"So, did your parents force you to come here?" Gerard giggled in my ear.
I involuntarily blushed, again..
"Uhh, yeah. My mum was about to cry when she saw me in this dress" I rolled my eyes.
Gerard lent in closer, till his lips were almost touching my ear.
"If I may say so, you do look amazing"
My breath caught in my throat, it came out in an embarrassing choked off cough.
"Thank you!" A hysterical giggle escaped my lips. He probably thought I was insane.
I composed myself and frowned at how stupid I sounded.

The song that was playing morphed into a slow dance.
I looked around nervously as the other couples moved into more intimate positions.
Gerard's hand left mind and joined his other hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer again.
My hands eagerly reached to the back of his neck.
When I looked at his face again it was like everyone else disappeared.
We were in our own world, just us.
When he saw me staring at him he smirked. It was so gorgeous I could only blush, for the millionth time.
"Did you want to hang out sometime?" My eyes grew wide, the questions brought me up short. Certainly he had something better to do that hang out with me.
"Sure! Um.. should we exchange numbers or something?" His right hand disappeared from behind my back, he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his mobile and handed it to me.
I quickly put in my number and handed it back.
"Oh. I didn't bring my phone. I have no pockets"
Crap! How could I not have brought my phone on this night! I take it everywhere else.
"It's okay, I could ring you when you get home?" He raised his eyebrows as he asked.
I nodded. "That sounds good" He smiled, I had to stop myself from choking on my breath again.

"Tell me about yourself?" Gerard and I were sitting outside now, on a stone bench.
I canopy of fairy lights were hanging above us.
"Well, my Dad is Ted Banks. He runs the company that's hosting this stupid Ball thing. I'm really into music, Iron Maiden would have to be my favourite band" I noticed his eyes sparkled when I said the last part, but he didn't interrupt.
"I'm not into anything girly at all. Like, I'm the biggest tom boy ever. I only wear this and that's all" I pointed to my makeup.
"I play a lot of xbox games. I'm a comic book nerd. Umm.. that's pretty much it"
A dazzling smile lit up his face.
"That's like me! Except being a tom boy and wearing make up and all that" He giggled.
"My Dad is Donald Way." Oh! I knew him now. I heard my Father talking about him.
My Dad didn't want to be business partners with Donald as he wasn't 'rich enough' I wanted to smack him.
"He's wanted to be your Dad's business partner for a while, but that's not happening"
His lips turned town slightly, making his whole face look sad.
"I'm so sorry about that, my Dad can be the biggest jerk!" I frowned a little.
"It's okay" Gerard's little smirk returned.
I continued to stare at him. He probably thought I was like some freaky stalker girl, always staring.

He blinked and tilted his head. At first I thought he was going to ask another question, but I was wrong.
He seemed hesitant, moving closer so slowing, testing my reaction. I wasn't budging.
He didn't close the distance, and I was getting impatient.
I shut my eyes and lent forward, our lips touched lightly.
Gerard's hand ran along the back of my neck, pulling our faces closer as he deepend the kiss.
This was the most perfect moment, his lips were amazing, moving with mine.
The way our tongues danced together in our mouths was so intimate. I didn't want it to end.
"Jedda!" Of course, ruin the fucking moment.
We pulled away and turned around, looking at the face of my angry Father.
"We're going home" He turned and stalked off towards the car.
I bit me lip then smiled at Gerard.
"Call me later?" I asked as I got up.
"Of course" He grabbed my hand and kissed it.
I smiled again and left for my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
I used my last name for Ted Banks hahahaha
Meaning Jedda's full name is Jedda Banks, well not full name but you get the picture.
I hope you like this chapter.

I would like a few comments before the new chapter please.
