Love Story

Chapter Four.

"Jedda, wake up" My mother was shaking me awake.
"Ughhhhh" I heard her sigh as I frowned and rolled away from her.
"Get up, or I'll keep annoying you"
Why did I have to stay up so late on the phone.
OH! that reminded me. I turned around to face my mum.
"I'll be hanging out with Gerard after school"
She nodded and left, she knew I was properly awake. I could always have some coffee if I got tired again.
I swung my legs out from my bed and hopped out, grabbing my towel and heading for the bathroom.

After I was clean I went to get changed.
"Hmmmm" I hummed, tapping my finger on my chin as I looked around my room.
I settled for a white Afends shirt and my black skinny jeans and black Converse.
"Ugh, crap" I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was still wavy.
Stupid mother, this was going to take ages.
I got to work on straightening my hair, and looking at the clock.
If I was late I my asshole teacher will give me a detention.

I was finally done and on the way to school.
"So, what are you doing with Gerard this afternoon?"
My mother was so nosy!
"I dunno, hang out?" I looked out the window at the familiar houses, the sooner I was done with school, the sooner I could see Gerard.
The anticipation of it curled my stomach into knots.
"Oh, okay. Well, don't be too late home"
"Okay" I pulled the door open and hopped out of the car.
"Bye mum" I shut it before she could ask me anymore questions.

"Oh no" I muttered. Ethan smiled at me as he walked over.
"Hey Jedda"
What did he want?
"Hi Ethan" We started walking up to the school.
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this afternoon"
I sighed a little, enough for him not to notice.
"Sorry, I'm busy this afternoon" I didn't give him specifics, he would ask about it.
"Maybe another time?" I turned my head and rolled my eyes.
He smiled and walked away. I didn't intend on hanging out with him any other time.
He wasn't my friend, I wasn't interested.
He was in a completely different group to me.
Why did my parents have to torture me by trying to make us get together?
I didn't want him. I only wanted Gerard.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm starting to hate this story, I think it's so crap.
I'm sorry D:
