When I Say When, I Want You to Bite Me

Larah Heinz is another teenage girl that goes to high school like every other average student. She has good friends there that she cares about and she also has a loving family. What more can a girl ask for?
But then, after her father got a promotion at his work, they had to move to a new town called Suburbia. It was a small town, like a separate island that was close to the city of Old Jork, meaning that to be able to go to the city and back she'd had to use the ferry.
Suburbia is said to have a lot of bizarre occurrences dating back in the years of the 1800's. Folklore is often a popular thing to be spread around the town, especially Suburbia. Although Larah can be skeptical about superstitions and such, during her stay in the town, she often feels like she is being watched but then she just ignores it thinking that it's nothing to worry about.
But what happens when Larah finds out that she is indeed being watched? And by whom? None other than Jeremiah Dalton himself, one of the most oldest vampires existing on earth. A gentleman of nobility, Jeremiah is a 509 year old vampire although in the vampiric society he is considered very young, but he is also carefully considered as one of the strongest vampires to have ever existed.
And Jeremiah has all but one thing and one thing only to achieve as his goal, to become Nosferatu Elder, the highest rank in the aristocratic vampire society. But in order for him to do so, he needs to have a bride of which currently he lacks of. But when he sets his eyes on young Larah Heinz, he decides to make her his bride. And at first as he gets to know Larah better he starts creating fake feelings because he has no interest in love, he is just waiting for the perfect moment to turn her into his vampire bride. But then, he unexpectedly begins to fall deeply in love with her, therefore he then begins to have second thoughts about turning her into a vampire, because of the love he had for her, he didn't want her to suffer the curse of eternal damnation. So he had a choice to make, to either turn her not. And that was one amongst other problems Jeremiah had, because the major one was that Caleb Mad, a skinwalker and the current leader of the northern pack, wanted Larah as his wolfen bride as well, and not only that but they were all in a secret war, a war between vampires and skinwalkers.
How will Larah be safe with all of this going?
  1. Introduction
    the intro of the story...
  2. Arriving to Suburbia
    Larah and her family arrive to Old Jork and they are on their way to little Suburbia...
  3. Exploring Can Be dangerous?
    Larah takes a day off to explore the town...but is it a bright idea to go alone?
  4. The Feeling of Being Watched
    After Larah's scary encounter she had experienced, she begins to feel as though she were being watched...
  5. Starting Over
    Larah's first few moments in her new school...will she survive?
  6. Folklore and Superstitions
    Larah listens to Michael's story telling during their lunch time....