Stepping on Heartstrings


Looking back, it was inevitable that things would turn out this way. Without knowing it, I had grown closer to him. I tried to restrain these feelings that were bursting out, for if I did anything, or even tell anyone, he was bound to move away. I did not want that. I’d rather my feelings go untold and we still maintain our relationship as a teacher and a student. At least it was better than to have a heavy wall of awkwardness between us.

Struggle as I might, it was a futile attempt.

The more I tried to stay away, the more I got tangled in this web.
But the more I got tangled, the happier I got.
Such is the complexity of one’s heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Read and review, please!
It is my first time at writing fiction, so please comment on how I can improve!
Thank you (: