Two Way

Chapter One: How It Began

I screamed as he came closer to me. Looking oh, so ready to pounce at any moment. The adrenaline rushing as I anticipated his next move. To take my breath away once again with his everlasting moves. He came closer and I backed away, ready for whatever he was going to do this time. I couldn't wait to get this over with but the beggining was just so much fn I couldn't help it. I've done it in the past and I can do it again. Not like his tricks were getting any better. It was just all the same crap. Every time I saw him. I was sorta getting sick of it but sometimes it was really fun. This was between us and no one else. Only our fight. Not theirs.
He jumped on top of me and took me softly down to the bed. Kissing and making everything better. His kisses felt soooooo good but I couldn't give into the temptation. That would make him the winner. And besides. I've been trying really hard to sorta drift away from him lately. Just because I liked his kisses didn't mean we had to get married. I rolled him over, making me on top. The best advantage. Then I held him down holding him, now me kissing him. He couldn't get away now. He fell for temptation unlike how I got away from it. Now I could just stop kissing when I felt like it. Much better.
"Hmmm...Guess you won again," He said slurring all of his words through my caressing kisses. "So not fair. So what you gonna do to me tonight?"
"what makes you think your getting anything more tonight than you did last night?" I said. "I told you we have to wait. Cus I don't want my kids to come out ugly like you!" I said as I pulled away, still holding him there.
"Oh thank you very much for that. I'm sure they would love to inherit you skinny, little, anorexic ass too."
"You should know I'm just kidding."
"well maybe you should have explained that before," And he pulled me close again, the temptation still coming on. I still wanted him. For now. Soon I would probably get tired of him, or he would want more from me, or just whatever would break us up. It was always the same too so I wasn't expecting any more. The same as in the same thing with every guy I went out with. It just never worked out.
"Shit! Its ten already! God, I wish I didn't have to go. Wish I could stay with you all night..." He said. I actually thought he was serious too. Well he was. I knew exactly why he wanted to stay all night. And I was no way in hell up for it.
"Ugh! You always do that!" I said, totally making it sound like I actually did want him to stay. "Well guess you should go now. Don't wanna be late for family time now do you!"
"Oh yeah. Sounds like so much fucking fun. One day you'll be my family though...Then I wouldn't mind..."
"Yeah well it isn't 'one day' yet so you better get going."
"Fine. Bye Jaycee. You know I love you." He said with another quick, lingering kiss.
"Yes, Sam. Love you too."
I walked him to the door and after another kiss and another goodbye, he left. Finally. It just all seemed to be going to far lately. There was absolutely no way I wanted to spend my life with him. Maybe as a friend, but of nothing more. He just wasn't right.
I went back upstairs and took a hot shower. The kind that gets the bathroom so freakin steamy you can't feel shit. It felt soooo good on my achy body as I washed away all the pain.I washed away all of the kisses he gave me. All of the places he touched me, his fingerprints were washed away.
I started to feel weird though. Like it wasn't me in my body. Like something was telling me to just go back with him and give him what he wanted. That sudden feeling was so strong I almost did it. It felt so right at that moment. I ignored it though and turned off the hot water and got dried off.
I slipped on my t-shirt and boxers that I call 'pajamas' and went to bed thinking of everything that just happened. I fell asleep with the thoughts in my head. Of the fantasies of us in bed together. With no clothes this time. Just moving around...kissing...touching...I wanted it so bad.
* * *
Waking up in the morning was hard enough. Dreams of hot celebrity dudes coming back to me once again as I savored those moments so dearly. It made me remember Sam last night. When he was here. When he left. He looked so happy. I then tried to think of after that. Did I talk to him on AIM last night? I didn't even remember. Everything after he left was now a blur. A distant memory of what there was. He left...then....Shit! It still wouldn't come! It was so annoying! It wasn't like I was drunk last night. Or was I? But no. Surely if I was a lot more would have happened between us. And right now I would probably be having the worst hangover of my life. I've had enough of them but when I woke up not remembering anything is when I really got mad.
Well maybe that didn't happen. I was drunk...then I dreamed it. That would make perfect sense. It would also mean that I had a long day of thinking ahead of me. The quest to find the truth.
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Ok guys! First draft so give me a break!!! :)