Two Way

Chapter Two- A Little Further In

Well...who cared if I didn't remember last night too well? Maybe Sam wouldn't mention it. Hopefully not. If he did then I'd just have to try and get the details out of him. And he was a total softie when it came to keeping "secrets" so he'd let it out eventually. I crossed my fingers in hope of this just in case.
I took my stuff and ran out of the house just in time to see my mother turn on the kitchen light through the window. Guess I wouldn't be bothered that much this morning. I ran to my car and hopped in, still crossing my fingers as shut the door, turned on the ignition, and held onto the wheel. I closed my eyes and did something I considered "praying" before I began to move the car. This day had better turn out good.
My nerves were still taking over me. Still thoughts of what had happened, racing through my brain. Or rather thoughts of guessing what happened. Okay. I definitely knew I wasn't drunk. I would have felt it by now. High? Nah. I would have felt that too. Maybe last night was just a dream...But then what had actually happened last night? Nothing fit into place.
I heard something. What was that? Louder still and then I saw a flash next to me. UGH! Just a damn car. But...wholly shit!!!! I was driving like an idiot! I took control of the wheel but I was too late. A cop car had its light on behind me and a cop was sticking his hand out and waving over to the side of the road. I was pretty sure that meant to pull over. Crap, was I in deep shit now!
I pulled over to the road and so did the car. I slipped back into my seat, so freaking annoyed with myself. I was such an idiot!
The cop, some white guy in (well duh!) a cop uniform with the pants way up too high along with the belt and some of those cop sunglass things came up to my window.
"License and registration, please." Figures. Thats what they all say. On the TV shows anyway. This hasn't ever really happened to me but in a way it was sorta cool. Yay. Jail. Sounds like so much fun. Right?
I pulled out all of my paperwork and gave it to the cop guy. It actually took a while to find it in this tiny ass car cus I don't have enough room to put anything. But he didn't look like he minded. He did do this everyday.
"Ma'am. Your gonna have to come with me."
"Um....why? I know what I did wrong. Can't you just give me a ticket and let me go to school?"
"No I can't. Your under age. Still protocol to call your parents to pick you up." Okay. This guy couldn't be serious. Just what I need. My mom coming up to the prescient to find me there. I was so grounded this time. Well then at least I had a newfound excuse to get away from Sam more....
I got into the car with the cop (no handcuffs! Thank GOD!) and he gave my car keys to his partner to drive it up behind us. Another thing I didn't need. Some guy I didn't know touching my stuff. This day was just getting better and better.
"Soooo...." I started, anxious for at least some conversation. "You do this kinda stuff everyday?"
Wait. Wait even longer. Nothing. No reply. So much for that. You'd think these damn people weren't even human. Crap, I didn't even think I heard breathing!
So I sat in complete, utter, soooo boring, silence. Until we got there. Which seemed like forever but when you have nothing to do for fifteen minutes it does seem like forever.
They did stick those little plastic handcuffs on me when I got inside. JUst to make sure I don't get away. You know, those things really seem like they don't hurt but they really dig into you. Now I kinda felt bad for all those guys on "Cops" who had this and worse happen to them. Cept they kinda deserved it. I didn't.
I sat as they called my mom at the desk. wonder what she was saying.
Then some other Police guy comes up to me...
"Your mom's coming for you."
"Yeah. Great." Then he sat next to me. Doing what? Keeping guard I guess. He was kinda cute actually. Just noticed that. But I was still mad at him cus I was still in handcuffs and he wouldn't get me out.
"Your kinda hot..." I said tyo him. If it was me. I don't know WHERE that came from! But I couldn't believe I just said it.
He looked at me dumbfounded then looked away as if he hadn't heard anything.
"Come on. Don't you want me?" This time I said it but it felt so right. It was me. I guess i just wasn't who I thought I was.
"Keep it up or I'll have to keep you in a cell till your mom comes," He said. But did I care? No.
"And? Do you have any idea what we could do in a cell?" I said that then threw myself at him. Cuffs and all. Now I was on top of him and ready for anything. And besides. Fun with cuffs is even funner.
He grabbed me, but not in the way I wanted him to. He pushed me off of him and grabbed me. Bringing me to a cell after all I guess. I then realised everyone was looking and it all felt a little strange again. Why was everybody looking? And why was this guy bringing be to the back?
As he brought me further back to one of the cells I saw my mom come in through the door. I don't know if she saw me but I saw her. And she was pissed. Shit! I was in so much trouble!