The other red planet


Alex was late for school, again. His hair was still ruffled all over his head and his shirt was untucked. He grabbed his bag and with one quick look in the mirror ran out of the door.
Th way to school wasn't long, but he was pretty sure that everyone would be in assembly by now, so he ran.
Two roads before school, Alex didn't look before he crossed the road. he ran straight in front of a car that wasn't given time to stop. It smashed right into him and he was knocked unconcious.
The driver of the car leapt out, tearing his hands through his hair, forehead sweating. He knelt beside Alex and felt his pulse. There was nothing. Grabbing his mobile he called 999. A few minutes later the ambulance came hurtling round the corner, and two paramedics lifted Alex's unconcious body into it.