Status: Active

So Wrong, It's Right

This Is How We Do

Chapter One
This Is How We Do

“Alex! You ready dude? We’re on!” Alex Flint looked up from his guitar into the face of his band mate and friend, Ryan Tucker, who, at that moment, was waving him over in a rather frantic fashion. With a quick nod of the head, Alex conveyed his readiness.

The two boys walked quickly; one with a tight hold on the neck of a blue and gold Wesley guitar, the other; twirling a long drum stick between the fingers on each hand. The guitarist and drummer threaded their way through tightly packed bodies towards the makeshift stage in the living room of the house. Alex barely heard the hubbub of voices on all sides, he was running through the set in his head; making doubly sure he knew what he was doing. It wasn’t nerves that plagued the 18 year old, far from it; it was more the fact that this was the first party of summer. The one that’d set the bar, and his band, “Answer To Life” were the ones who’d set it. Not much pressure.

The rest of the band were already there; plugged, ready to go and just as impatient. Alex noticed Joslyn Rain, the bassist, tapping her foot in annoyance at being kept waiting. Oops. She was one of the few girls who didn’t take any of his “shit” as she called it. She was straight talking and always gave an honest opinion, whether you liked it or not. Also, she was one of the best at her art in their little town of Lakewood, Ohio. Her twin brother, Frankie, just looked fed up but that was to be expected, he hardly ever smiled. His boredom was terminal.

Once he had power and ready, Alex spoke into the microphone, “Hey guys!” One by one the faces of the small crowd turned to the quartet on ‘stage’. “Are you guys ready to rock out and have a shit hot time?” The crowd surged forward at the sound of the boy’s upbeat voice. Mouths opened and torrents of cheers burst forth. “Well, Answer To Life are going to make sure you all have a fucking amazing night!”

And with those words, the party really started. The normal unimportant being that normally had power over the front man’s body was slipping away and giving over to Alex Flint; lead singer, rhythm guitarist and heart throb of popular local alt-punk band Answer To Life. Well, that’s what the reviews said anyway. No-one saw the change but he felt is happening; felt him being washed away by the throb of Joslyn’s bass. The stage was where he belonged. Unlimited attention from everyone present, that’s what gave him a real buzz.

“Get up, get up, get up! Come on let me hear you!” he yelled to the crowd. They weren’t jumping enough for his liking. The lull in the song was perfect for rallying.

His eyes roamed around the room as Frankie jammed out a solo. Boys danced with their red cups raised high and girls were bumping, grinding and swaying to the infectious music; the perfect party crowd. Suddenly his eyes zeroed in on someone. Grinning widely, Alex grabbed the mike as the song ended.

“Hey! Blonde in the blue mini dress! I don’t see you dancing!”

The girl’s eyes went wide but softened as she began to laugh. “I just got here you douche! I was getting to that part!” she called over the din. Alex’s laugh was magnified as he plunged on into the next song.

The blonde in question was Maria McGuire, taking the title of “Longest and Most Loyal Friend”; she was only really there to see the band. Because of Alex’s comment many people were still looking at her. However, she thought, she’d have to get used to that once she got a job.

“Wow, is that the famous Alex Flint you’ve been telling me about, eh, Maria?” The breathy voice in her ear belonged to Holly Priestly, her friend visiting from Knoxville. Maria nodded to the girl with a wry smile as she noticed her dark eyes light up with longing. Cocking her head to the side slightly she said, “I’d tap that . . . I’d tap that twice.”

Maria decided to ignore that comment and go have a good time. Grabbing a cup from a nearby drinks table, she started to dance; her bad day already being forgotten. As she looked up at the stage to her friend, she could feel his happiness at being able to perform. So, in turn that only made her happier, singing the loudest in support. At a sudden pause in the song, the two friends made eye contact. Using this opening, Alex sent Maria over a huge wink; sending people into a frenzy. The girl laughed and blew kisses toward the stage with her free hand.

‘Answer To Life’ went down better than anyone would ever have imagined. Much better than Alex had expected; even in his dreams. As he staggered off stage, being fawned over and groped by numerous groupies, his eyes searching for the off room he’d used earlier. He spotted the door; making a beeline towards it (or as close to considering the amount of people present).

As he shut the door, the din of voices and synthesized rock music was muffled slightly. Momentarily, his normal self-doubts and insecurities threatened to over take him but the adrenaline buzz of performing held them at bay. Alex quickly put all his stuff away, not wanting to miss any of the party. Who’d want to miss it? Even through the door he could hear everything; the walls were even vibrating.

When he opened the door again, several of his faithful groupies were standing by to tail him for the rest of the night. Inwardly he groaned; a whole night of high pitched breathy giggling, overly sweet compliments and hands that just didn’t know when to stop, all from some girl he wouldn’t be quite sure the name of. However, he was Alex Flint, so he plastered an impish grin over his face and offered his arm to the doe eyed red-head on his left. Her flattered giggles scraped his eardrums and the disappointed moans of her companions didn’t exactly cushion the sound either. So, with that, the boy led the redhead into the crowd.

“Maria, when is he going to get here? I thought you two were tight,” moaned Holly; bottom lip jutting out about an inch or so. Maria brought her startling green eyes around to her friend. She took a sip of the Bramble someone had made her before answering.

“Well, he’ll be picking up his groupie right about now,” she said in her soft, melodic voice as she savored the taste of sweet taste of the drink. “Clam yourself down, he’ll be here soon.”

Holly’s night-like eyes widened as her friend mentioned the word “groupie” but then small stars glinted within them as a thought came to mind. Fluffing her stylishly curled, mahogany locks, she straightened up and brushed imaginary specks of dust from her scarlet mini dress. Maria raised an eyebrow as she watched this spectacle and was even more shocked when her skin seemed to glow in the dim light.

“So, eh, if he likes groupies then he’ll, eh, have experience then?” asked Holly, her voice full of every implication known to man.

“About two to three years experience maybe,” said the flaxen haired teen, totally absent minded. “But don’t think he actually likes those girls though. He’ll give them attention, dance a bit, make out then sleep with them at the end and be getting wasted at the same time. It doesn’t mean anything to him really.”

Maria barely noticed what she was saying as her eyes scanned the mash of dancing bodies for Alex. When she looked back to her scarlet clad friend though, all she saw was surprise covering her features.

“How the hell do you know that?” She laughed slightly at the stupidity of the question.

“Considering I’ve been best friends with him for most of my life, I’d be more surprised if I didn’t know it!”

And at that moment, as if on cue, the front man melted out of the crowd with a very pretty redhead attached to his arm. Maria smiled at her; she was sweet with her round hazel eyes and flushed cheeks but clearly, she was a newbie. She wasn’t flirting heavily, it was very subtle and the green eyed girl applauded her for that, it was a good technique for him to choose you again. The redhead was to him and made easy to miss gestures that spoke volumes. Such as, light touches to the back of his hand or arm, small things that could be over looked.

Alex liked this girl, Elise; she’d said her name was. He was surprised at how friendly and easy to talk to she was. Normally, they were squeaky and far too hands on to be allowed, not this one though. She had charm, charisma and was able to make him laugh with stories of her demented Grandmother from Maine. How many of the banshee clones could claim to that?

“Here, try this Mr. Superstar,” said a familiarly sweet and melodic voice, shoving a red cup into his free hand.

Alex looked into Maria’s grinning face and he felt his own split in two. Dropping Elise’s arm, he held them both out to his best friend. She practically launched herself onto him. Arms thrown tight around his neck, hair tickling his cheeks, he hugged him like no tomorrow. The boy locked his arms tight around her small waist and spun his friend around in a circle with a playful “Roar!” her giggling protests dancing on his eardrums. As he placed his sunshine girl on the again, they both began to laugh. Each face was a mirror of each other.

It was a very public display, of extremely open affection, but the two didn’t care one bit.

Looking down at the content of the cup in his hand, Alex made a face. “Looks sweet, where’s the beer?” he teased. Maria pouted, the light gloss on her lips shimmering in the low light.

“Oh hardy-har. I’ll take it back then, if you don’t want it,” she said, taking the plastic beaker from her friend.

Sniggering slightly, Alex looked back to Elise, who looked slightly lost. He held his hand out to her, which was something he rarely did but she was different from the others. Bringing her forward, he put his arm around her.

“Maria, meet Elise, my girl for the night. Elise, meet Maria, one of my oldest friends,” said the boy moving his deep grey eyes between the two girls.

“Hi,” said Elise shyly, looking up at the blonde girl from under her long lashes. Alex saw Maria give her a quick once over again before smiling warmly and enveloping her in a hug.

“Nice to meet you, babe,” Maria said, her smile welcoming enough to make the redhead relax slightly. Alex grinned.

“Back in a minute. I’m getting a beer.” And with that, he kissed the back of the groupie’s hand, making his way towards the drinks table on the other side of the room.

Maria saw Elise’s cheeks had flushed a deeper red that before and her hazel eyes were alive with light. Looking around, he noticed Holly had disappeared somewhere, probably due to lack of attention. She could feel the girl’s wide eyes watching her bob in time to the beat of the music. Turning her head slightly, she could see how nervous she was. Whether it was being left alone with his “oldest friend” or the whole casual sex thing, she had no idea. But it was a good time to find out.

“So, this your first time doing the groupie thing?” she asked casually. The girl looked slightly shocked at the sudden question but then nodded.

“Boyfriend commitments used to stop me and all it could ever be was ‘screaming fangirl’. But now he’s pissed off to Florida to surf, or ‘to pursue my dream’ as he put it,” said Elise, making quotation marks with her fingers. Maria laughed lightly. it was fair enough she supposed. “Have you been friends with Alex for a very long time then?”

More airy laughter issued from her mouth at the concentrated curiosity from the girl. “Well our Moms were friends. They met at some pregnancy yoga thing in Cleveland; so, we’ve been friends since, like, forever! Literally!” Elise laughed at that but Maria could tell she was intimidated.

There was a silence between the two and the thumping music seemed to grow louder to cover up the blossoming awkwardness. The blonde’s eyes raked over the heads of the crowd to try and see her friend. There he was! Drinks I hands, hair slightly more ruffled than when he left, a sort of dazed look covering his face and Holly by his side, talking animatedly. With surprise, Maria looked on as they came to a stop in front of them. Alex woke up slightly and moved to Elise’s side; handing her a red cup of beer.

He put his free arm around the redhead’s waist as he tried to get hi head around what just happened. Man that girl was fiery!

“I see you’ve met Holly then.” Maria’s voice made its way to his brain slowly. not quite aware of what he was doing, he nodded. “Remember, I told you she was up visiting from Knoxville for a few weeks?”

“Wha-eh-yeah . . . yeah you did,” he mumbled distractedly as he met with a pair of midnight eyes. Her lips were parted in a coy smile; teasing him. He could feel his body moving towards the centre of the dance floor but his eyes wanted to stay on the mahogany haired marvel.

Bodies swayed and jammed against each other as the party wore on; music blasting from every side and many people were beginning to stagger slightly from the intoxicating concoctions passing their lips. The dancing only enforced the states the teens were in. Over heated, hyped up bodies moved as one, in boozy movements and flailing arms. People were entwined together and stumbling away for a quieter room.

Alex was dancing with Elise; she seemed to shine to him, like and angel. All previous thoughts about Holly were totally gone, only Elise was important. Her flaming hair was fanned out around her flushed face and those beautiful hazel eyes that danced with life, were smiling at him. Everything he wanted was staring back at him. She was the best thing ever!

Their bodies were close; only about three inches away at most. Hands didn’t seem to know when to stop as the alcohol fuelled dancing drove them on. Smells crushed together; jockeying for position. Lights were flashing –someone had found an old strobe light- casting red, green and amber tints to the walls.

As a song came to the end, Alex bent his mouth to the girl’s ear. “I’ll be back in a minute, ‘kay. Need air,” he slurred huskily.

Her head moved so her lips were against his. “’Kay,” she murmured. For only a moment she was all around him; enticing and teasing, before pulling away. “I’ll be by the ‘Six Cuppers’.”

And with that, she turned away. The red strobes were casting shadows on her purple halter top, enhancing her small waist. It was almost enough to make him forget about air and steal the redhead away there and then. However, the room was too packed and his girl had disappeared to the drinking gamers, so, he was left with no choice.

Staggering and bumping his way past people, Alex made his way towards the back porch. He was vaguely aware of Ryan making out with some girl against a wall next to the off room he’d used earlier. The back door was open and the bright floor lamps were just visible.

Stumbling over the threshold, the night air sent his head flying. There weren’t many people out, just the smokers and a recognizable figure, clad in a blue mini dress. With a stupid grin over his face, he snuck up behind her; throwing his arms around her frame. She stiffened almost instantly before trying to push him off.

“Ew! Get off me you douche bag!” she squealed. Alex laughed erratically, removing his arms, to lean on the wooden railings. “You’ve been smoking again haven’t you!”

The boy grinned cheekily at her accusation. “Only a few babe.” Maria rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I’m only a social smoker, you know that,” he slurred, nudging his friend playfully. “I meant to ask, how, eh, is the, eh, job hunt going?”

The blonde’s head dipped and she looked defeated. “Not good,” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Shit, my foundation. Screw it. I give up.” Her mutterings didn’t really mean much to the boy but he put his arm around her; knowing –even in his incoherent state- his friend was upset. She didn’t flinch away this time but relaxed into him.

“No call fm Vegas?”

“Nothing: except rejections from everywhere else.”

Her sadness was sobering. He tightened his arm around her shoulders so she’d know he was always there. Who’d have known getting a job as an entertainer was so difficult. Alex tried to count how many applications she’s sent out but lost count after ten; no one wanted a job more than Maria. Her body shifted as she stood. Hugging her elbows tightly, she turned to her friend, the sadness burning in her green eyes.

“Look, you’re drunk, don’t let me ruin your party,” she said, without a shake. “Go back to Elise and play some ‘Six Cup’ or something.”

Not wanting to fight, the singer straightening up; nearly unbalancing. With a blown kiss and a look only a best friend knows how to give, he made his way back the way he came. Before stumbling back across the threshold, he turned back.

“Call you tomorrow, ‘kay?” Maria nodded with a small smile.

Leaning back against the railing, the blue clad teen inspected a tiny splinter embedded in her arm. Today was definitely not a good day. She was vaguely aware of Joslyn coming to stand next to her at the railing. She took a long drag on her cigarette, blowing small smoke rings from her mouth. Maria couldn’t help but marvel at the small talent from a disgusting habit.

“I don’t know how you do it you know,” she said looking out from under dark pixie like hair. The blonde looked round in surprise.

“Do what?”

“Be such good friends with a prick like that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so that's the first of many hopefully!
But to read it first then go to for updates first.
I appreciate comments and maybe subscriptions? =D Do try and give some constructive crit please. Normal comments are fine but some crit'd be really awesome! Thanks for this guys! =D