‹ Prequel: Forgotten Lover

Love Conquers All


Gerards POV

When I arrived at the hospital Frank was taken to I was nervous as hell. I was so scared of what condition I would find my Frankie in this time. I was crying as I walked up to the receptionist desk.

“Can I help you, Sir?”

“Y-Yes, my husband was in an a-accident earlier his name is F-Frank Iero-Way. W-what
room is he in”

“Oh sweetie I’m so sorry”

“W-what do you mean you’re s-sorry.”

“F-Frank Iero- Way died in the ambulance”

“N-No. P-please tell me you’re fucking with me”

“I wish I could. I’m so sorry for your lost”

I hate when people say that and they don’t even care. She was just doing her job. Right now I hated myself. If I would have been with him I could have prevented this if I wasn’t such an ass to him. I was to blame for his death. I basically was the cause of his death. I’m such a fuck up. I want to die I just want to be with Frankie again. He’d probably rather me life so I can’t hurt him in the afterlife. I really didn’t notice my surroundings and that I was in the middle of the hospitals floor sobbing my heart out.

I had a lot of people staring at me. The nurse I was just talking to had come around the desk and was attempting to calm me down. Nothing was helping though. The love of my life was gone forever. He was dead and I was the main reason he was gone. I can’t believe I was such an asshole to him.

I somehow pulled myself off the floor and walked out to my car. I managed to get my sorry ass home. I decided to call Mikey. He always helped me with my problems and this was more then a problem. This time I felt dead. I picked up the phone and dialed Mikeys cell phone number.


“M-Mikey” I sobbed out.

“Gerard? What’s wrong?”

“Fr-Frankie he-“ I couldn’t say I just sobbed harder.

“What happened to Frank? Is he okay?”

“H-he’s d-de-dead”


“He w-was in a c-car accident and n-now he’s g-gone”

“Oh my god. A-are you okay, Gee” He ask sounding upset himself


“Do you want m-me to come over?”

“Y-yes, p-please”

“Okay I’ll be there in a few just don’t do anything stupid.”

“Okay, Mikes”

He hung up. I waited patiently for my brother still sobbing. I sat on the floor feeling unworthy of the furniture and even the house I was living in. It took Mikey fifteen minutes to get here, but it felt more like fifteen hours. Mikey let himself in and walked over to me. He had tears flowing down his face.

“G-Gerard, i-it’ll be okay. W-we’ll get through this together I promise.”

“I-It’s never going t-to b-be okay w-without him, Mikey. I need him, he is my everything”

“Gerard I know it’s hard for you, but we can’t do anything about it now. He’s in a better place

“I know he is. Where ever he is now he doesn’t have to put up with me and my bullshit. “


“I was so mean to him. I fucked up is life more than it already was. I wish I could take his place.”

He was sobbing uncontrollably. He hated himself. He waned to die, but knew he’d just ruin Frank afterlife like he did his life. He was a fuck up. At that time that’s all he could think about was how he was such a fuck up.