‹ Prequel: Forgotten Lover

Love Conquers All

you had every right

Franks POV

I stayed cuddled up into Gerards side. I was so happy. My life was finally coming together. My loved ones were finally getting back to normal. Life would be perfect right now if my daddy were here and if I knew if he would’ve accepted my sexuality. I think he would have. Daddy always supported everything I chose to do in life and he took care of me. If he was still around he would’ve protected me from everything that’s went wrong in my life daddy would’ve made everything perfect. I love him and respect him and even if I think childishly when thinking of my father he still was an amazing man.

I cuddled up against Gerard in bed and held him tightly. This was the best thing that could happen to me. My family was actually becoming a family once again. I smiled into Gerards chest and felt his fingers comb through my hair. I was so happy, but for now I felt like cuddling Gerard and being lost in my happy thoughts of my family become normal again. As I think back high school was full of a lot of shitty times and so was trying to start off college, but now it’s all better. Mom still loves me and Gerard loves me and is taking care of me. After I caused so many problems for them both they still love me. I don’t know how they can still love me after I was always putting them down over the past couple of years. I decided to voice my thoughts to Gerard.

“Gee, how can you and mom still love me after all that I’ve said to both of you when you were

“What do you mean?”

“Like when you were drunk I’d say things like you need to work or tell you to help me do
things around the house that you didn’t need to do. Or get mad when you ignored me”

“Frankie, you had every right to do and say the things you did. We were both out of line and it wasn’t your fault we were assholes to you”


“It wasn’t you fault. You were dealt a very bad hand and if I could I would change it for you, but I can’t. I fucked up in the past and I hurt you so many times. It should be asking you why you forgave me not you feeling bad. You were way to good to me and your mother. We just couldn’t see how amazing you were at that point in time we were to wasted to see the beautiful angel known as Frank Iero looking at us and willing to help”

“You’re so good to me, Gee”

“I wish I had always treated you good”

“Forget about our past”

“I can’t forget about hurting you”

“I wish you would”

“I know”

I didn’t say anything else as I curled into his side. I ended up drifting off to sleep again.

Gerard stood over me screaming at me.

‘ You’re such a fuck up Frank! You can’t ever do anything right! Why can’t you ever do what your fucking told to do! All I said was to bring me a damned beer and you tell me it’s not good for me. Fuck you! You don’t know what’s good for me and what’s not and who cares it’s my life and I can do what I want with it.’

He then hit me in the jaw causing me to stumble backwards slightly. I grabbed my now aching jaw and look into his eyes. They were blood shot and full of hate. He grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall. He then pulled me back and slammed me against the wall again when he released me I crumbled to the floor.

He then started to undo my clothing and his lips sloppily connected with my own when I refused to kiss him be pulled away slapped me and started sucking on my neck. He then lined his cock up with my entrance and thrust into me-

I woke up screaming. Tears were pouring down my face. I wish this would all go away.

“Frankie, baby, are you alright?”

“Y-yeah, I’m fine, j-just a night mare.”

“You want to talk about it this time?”

I shook my head.

“You know talking about it might help you stop having these dreams”

“Nothing is going to stop them”

“Are they that bad?”


“Tell me, please”

“I can’t I’m sorry, Gee”

“I thought we promised no more secretes after we were married”

“I’m sorry, Gerard, but this is one thing I just don’t know how to talk about”


He pouted slightly as he wrapped his arm around me snuggly. He wanted to know so bad. It was sweet he still held and comforted me when I wouldn’t even tell him why he was doing it.
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Hey guys I have a new story out the link is below so plz check it out it's an orginal slash story :)